Forum Discussion

Ben_Tan's avatar
20 years ago

Restoring to a different system?

Hi, I've just had a system failure and there is no power at all. Can I do a restore over a new installation of win2k pro BUT on a different system (different mainboard for example)? Reason for this is because of the urgent need to bring the system back online and the dead server has to be returned back for parts replacement.

What can I do in this case? Will a restore work? How should I go about doing it?

2 Replies

  • This question is asked here a LOT, and it is a pretty big dissapointment about the product that we continually get told "NO, it is a Microsoft problem".

    On one hand it is, but then, there are workarounds, and if I can do it manually, then the product should be able to do it automatically.

    Firstly, DON'T restore boot.ini when you hit restore. If the systems are similar enough (same ACPI version for example) that will do it.

    When you come online, you'll likely have to install all the appropriate drivers for new hardware, after removing all software relating to the old hardware. You may need to bring yourself up in safe mode to get this to work.

    If the systems are overly different, you may have to change your HAL. Let me know if this appears to be your case.

    The road is long and hard, doing this, but again, it's impossible to expect everyone using the Veritas product has an identical server lying around just waiting for a failure. If you have to buy a new server, odds are the server you bought three months ago isn't sold anymore.

    Best of luck, if you have further issues, write back. Contrary to what everyone will tell you, it CAN be done.
  • Hello,

    We presume that you are performing IDR. Please refer the following technote.
    Is it possible to recover a full backup to a computer with different hardware using the Intelligent Disaster Recovery option?

    However if this is not the exact environment, please do revert.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.