Forum Discussion

Magic_Hammer's avatar
9 years ago

Upgrade Bacup Exec 2010 R3 to BE 15

We have license for BE 15 and I need to go from BE 2010 R3 to BE 15 on the same server. Can anyone advise if it possible to do an upgrade between the 2 versions or will I have to build a new server for BE 15 and re-create the jobs etc?

  • You can directly upgrade from BE2010R3 (only if its installed on a 64 bit server) to BE15.

    Refer to

    Follow the below steps...

    1) First of all check BE15 Hardware and Software compatibility list.

    2) If your exiting hardware and software is compatiable with BE15 then proceed ahead.

    3) On BE server stop all the BE services.

    4) Make a copy of Data and Catalogs folder available in the Backup Exec installation directory.

    5) Copy\Extract BE15 installables on the local drive of BE server.

    6) Run the installation of BE15

    7) During installation you will have to import license file (.slf)

    8) Post installation run live update multiple times to install all the latest hotfixes.

    9) Once BE15 is completely patched, update all the Remote Agetnts.

    Refer to the below blog for BE15 helpful links.

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  • What Operating System (including whether 32bit or 64 bit) is 2010 R3 running on?


    Have you checked the SCL and HCL documents for BE 15?

  • You can directly upgrade from BE2010R3 (only if its installed on a 64 bit server) to BE15.

    Refer to

    Follow the below steps...

    1) First of all check BE15 Hardware and Software compatibility list.

    2) If your exiting hardware and software is compatiable with BE15 then proceed ahead.

    3) On BE server stop all the BE services.

    4) Make a copy of Data and Catalogs folder available in the Backup Exec installation directory.

    5) Copy\Extract BE15 installables on the local drive of BE server.

    6) Run the installation of BE15

    7) During installation you will have to import license file (.slf)

    8) Post installation run live update multiple times to install all the latest hotfixes.

    9) Once BE15 is completely patched, update all the Remote Agetnts.

    Refer to the below blog for BE15 helpful links.

  • OK so that's fine for an inplace upgrade (as per AmolB) - the main things to think about are

    1) is your domain also 2008R2 based or is it 2012 or 2012 R2 based (and do you need granular recovery of domain objects or just DR of the domain controller itself.)

    2) do you need to backup any older operating system or database applications that may no longer be supported (hence check the SCL  carefully for what you need to backup not just where the Backup Exec Server is installed.)



  • You need to be on BE 2010 R3 SP4 before you can do the upgrade to BE 15
  • Thanks Colin,

    We are on 2012 domain, as far as I am aware the only database I would thinkw e would need to back up would be the configuration incase the upgrade fails. I will read the SCL so I can get a good understanding and make sure I don't miss anything.


    Thanks AmolB for the instructions, this will be a big help. Thanks everyone for your advice!

  • The 2012 domain might limit GRT capability against active directory - unelss you make the Backup Exec server run at least the same or greater version of Windows.


    However you can still DR a DC (restore the System State) without the GRT ability so it kind of depends on if you need GRT for Active Directory as to whether or not the limitation against the Operating System of the Backup Exec Server will be an issue.