Forum Discussion

skojoze's avatar
Level 3
20 years ago

Veritas DLO

We have a client that is utilizing DLO. We have one user within the org that is having major problems with DLO. We have removed completely (i.e. registry files, program directories etc..) & reinstalled. Tweaked server side settings to yield bandwidth to other apps etc...He keeps having to run Tsk Mgr and kill the DLO process due to CPU % staying at or near 99% every morning and hogging system resources.

Today I was working on his sys and noticed the DLO agent in systray was moving\backing up files. I opened the agent interface and noticed it had just begun this morning and had a long way to go prior to completion. This is not consistent with the backup schedule I created for the company. All files are scheduled to backup at 0100 every morning when noone is there.

Why is this moving\backing up of files occuring at 1000-1100 in the morning when the schedule is set for 0100? Is this the backup or another process like the DLO Change Log Svc?

Thanks Very much,

2 Replies

  • Hello,

    1. After upgrading to DLO 5.1, a more clearly defined set of macros was introduced. These macros aid with backing up files based on wild-card data. One such macro is %CURRENTUSERPROFILE%. This macro will back up the \Documents and Settings\\ folder of the currently logged in user. In earlier versions of DLO, a similar macro called %USERPROFILE% did the same thing. The problem is, starting with DLO 5.1, the old macro is not properly recognized. It causes the DLOClientu.exe and DLOChangeLogSvcu.exe to burn CPU cycles. The resolution to this problem is to update the Backup Selections within each profile with the new macro.

    NOTE: This behavior has also been observed with other legacy macros such as %ntuser.dat%. Please only use macros defined for your version of DLO.

    2. Also refer to the foll. technotes :

    Title : When Desktop and Laptop Option is configured to perform incremental backups of Outlook PST files and there are a large number of messages changing, the messages may not back up in low memory conditions until Desktop and Laptop Option is restarted.

    3. Title : System performance is noticeably degraded when backing up large files (over 5 MB) With VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) Desktop and Laptop Option

    NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.
  • As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool