Forum Discussion

Blazer_2's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

BMR restore problem

Dear all,


I simply peformed BMR on my one of the Windows 2003 servers using BMR boot CD but finally it only restored all partitions without any user's saved data in it. What is the major problem for it ?


Netbackup version: 6.5



3 Replies

  • Hi,

    Did you use the "current" configuration or was it a modified configuration by any chance?

    These restored partitions with no data, any chance they are SAN disks?

    The restore jobs in the NBU console, did they show any kind of errors/problems?

    You could also check the bmrrst log for further hints, else paste it here.



  • Dear Amol,


    When I performed BMR on my Windows Platform, it prompt me to "unmapped" and "map" the disk partitions exactly it was before. I have to modified the configuration before proceed to the

    next step. If I select the "current" configuration, it only restores system partition for me only.

    My system installed with three harddisks that configured with "RAID 5"




  • Hi Blazer,


    For a self-restore it should not be asking you to do the mapping during the restore.

    Looks like BMR is detecting your restore environment to be different than your original environment and hence is asking you to do a mapping.

    When you map the volumes, BMR gives an option that lets you choose whether you only want to create the new original partitions for the non system volumes or whether you want to create a FS on it as well, OR whether you want to restore data on it as well.

    I assume you chose the option that told BMR to not only create partitions/volumes and create a FS on it and restore the data as well.


    >>If I select the "current" configuration, it only restores system partition for me only.

    This is strange. Looks like BMR is keeping the other partitions "restricted" in your "current".

    Try copying the "current" to some other named config and see if it shows some restricted disks and whether you can unrestrict the same. Try restoring with this config.


