Forum Discussion

AnthonyTsang's avatar
11 years ago

Backup failure with error code 636

Media Server : RedHat 2.6 with NBU 7.0

Maste Server: Windows  2008 R2 wiht NBU

That policy has two schedule job

1) Full Backup ( Full Backup)

2) cumulative Incremental (Differential Backup)

The Yearly Full Backup can work , but the monthly cumulative incremental can't work.

Please help


3/4/2014 5:35:10 PM - Info nbjm(pid=12396) starting backup job (jobid=143114) for client, policy DRS1ESTM1B_ARCHIVE, schedule Monthly_Diff_LES 
3/4/2014 5:35:10 PM - Info nbjm(pid=12396) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=143114, request id:{E5645178-5B4D-4348-998E-95600F02A8A1}) 
3/4/2014 5:35:10 PM - requesting resource drs1estm1b-hcart3-robot-tld
3/4/2014 5:35:10 PM - requesting resource
3/4/2014 5:35:10 PM - requesting resource whb1nbum1v-vaa.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.DRS1ESTM1B_ARCHIVE
3/4/2014 5:35:11 PM - granted resource
3/4/2014 5:35:11 PM - granted resource whb1nbum1v-vaa.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.DRS1ESTM1B_ARCHIVE
3/4/2014 5:35:11 PM - granted resource LESM15
3/4/2014 5:35:11 PM - granted resource Drive088
3/4/2014 5:35:11 PM - granted resource DRS1ESTM1B-hcart3-robot-tld-1
3/4/2014 5:35:11 PM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
3/4/2014 5:35:11 PM - Info nbjm(pid=12396) started backup (backupid=drs1estm1b.intra.whb.net_1393925711) job for client, policy DRS1ESTM1B_ARCHIVE, schedule Monthly_Diff_LES on storage unit DRS1ESTM1B-hcart3-robot-tld-1
3/4/2014 5:35:12 PM - started process bpbrm (13742)
3/4/2014 5:35:14 PM - connecting
3/4/2014 5:35:15 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:01
3/4/2014 5:35:19 PM - mounting LESM15
3/4/2014 5:35:28 PM - mounted; mount time: 00:00:09
3/4/2014 5:35:28 PM - positioning LESM15 to file 5
3/4/2014 5:35:28 PM - positioned LESM15; position time: 00:00:00
3/4/2014 5:35:28 PM - begin writing
read from input socket failed(636)
3/4/2014 5:47:45 PM - Error bptm(pid=13765) media manager terminated by parent process      
3/4/2014 5:47:49 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=13742) could not write EXIT STATUS to stderr  


  • The last time I saw a 636 error it had nothing to do with bpsynth.

    This was the issue,

    Which was the same as

    The root cause here was that the tcp keep alive timeout on the media server and master server were higher than the firewall.

    NBJM timeouts and writes the message into the detailed status without the timestamp.

    The only reason I can think that this would fail only on a incremental schedule is if that schedule is using a different storage unit/ media server than the full backup is using.  Check to see if this pattern is there and then investigate the timeout setting on both Operating System.

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