Forum Discussion

cstaubli's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Blocked Hours

Hi there

Is there a way so set something like blocked hours in NetBackup 6.5. That would be a time frame where no Backups should or could run, regardless of manual, scheduled or retry. I'm asking for a certain server which has problems to handle to load during daytime if backup is still running. We've got a policy where starting is allowed between 10pm and 6am. Say it normally takes 6 hours to backup, if it failed with 99% at 3:30am, it'll start again and will run through the day.

Thanks in advance


8 Replies

  • I dont believe there is anything like that

    The only thing I could suggest is a Windows scheduled task to shut down the NetBackup Client Service at 3.30am and re-start it again later

  • your window in the policy is merely the START time  (not the run time).

    So say right now your window is from 8 pm to 6 am - then the job can START anywhere in that window, and if set to do retries - it will retry again if the window is still open.

    where if you change the window to 8 pm to 11 pm - then the job can START in that window (make sure this is large enough to get actually let the job start).  Now if the job dies at 3 am - it will not re-run because the window is closed ( and you will get the error as such on the job).

    and even though your window is from 8 pm to 11 pm - once the job starts it will run to completion or failure even if the window closes.

  • There is someting on netbackup where we can configure the time where the backups should finish?
    I mean, I need that somebackups finish before some hours, if there are running, should be killed. There is a way to do this automaticaly?

    Best regards,


  • I hope there would be, but I guess I've to do the math and adjust the starting window so it'll not start at a time when expected finish is inside these blocked hours.

    What this does not solve is of course if it takes longer than expected, so I still have to kill the process manually.

    Many thanks to all

  • This is not total solution to your problem, but you could use "Take Checkpoint every:" option. It can be found from Policy, Attributes tab. So if you put it to like 15 minutes, then backup would not start all over again. 

    Other option, which GLOBAL setting, is to change Master Server Global Attributes and change Schedule backup attempts to one. But I think this won't be good idea.



  • I have several clients that run scripts in the morning to detect backups that pass the window and they kill them manualy. henkka check point solution seems to be the nearest one to help you out.

  • The scripts are easy to do, but there is not very "nice" to do...

    I would like to have something from netbackup to do this automaticaly...





  • There is nothing as Blocker Hours.

    You Can create a script and cancel the backup's that are running beyond the Scheduled backup window.


    You can re-schedule for the clients which are having problems such as load balancing.