Forum Discussion

giri_b's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Information on Snapshot Client License


       I have the below queries about Snapshot client License.

1. Is the license procurement is based on client count. Eg: If I need to backup 5 clients using flash backup feature should I go for 5 licenses or 1 license is enough.

2. Can it be used to backup Lotus notes.


4 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar

    2. There is a NetBackup Lotus Notes agent you can install/license for this. Which would be more adept to backing up Lotus Notes.

  • You would need 5 licenses and they're purchased based on server TIER. Check with your local account manager about that.


    There is no integration between the Lotus Notes agent and the snapshot client but you might be able to protect Notes by just using a file system backup. I've never really understood what the notes agent does, maybe someone with experience can assist.

  • hi giri


    Seeing at your query

    I presume you are looking solution for your Virtualized environment (i may be wrong)

    If you are using Hyper-V or VMWare as host server

    For this NBU 7.x onwards you would require only 1 Enterprise License (per Host server) and 1 for App and DB license irrespective of Application you are protecting within VM

    Let me know if this helped



  • Count lincense on physical server. If all of your 5 clients are running on isolated 5 physical servers, you have to purchase 5 license for them. Or, if you have deployed them in virtualized environment(VMware, Hyper-V, Xen, etc.), you only need license for physical hosts. as posted above, there are no integration option with lotus notes and Snapshot Client. To protecting Lotus Notes(Domino), NetBackup for Lotus Notes covered by 'Application and Database pack' license will be an option. Enterprise Client is not required unless you configure with SnapShot Client, NetBackup for VMware or NetBackup for Hyper-V.