Forum Discussion

Dav1234's avatar
Level 5
2 years ago

NDMP backup failing with EC 200

Hello Experts,

All NDMP backups are failing with EC 200.


17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - Info nbjm (pid=11055) starting backup job (jobid=3546528) for client XXXX, policy XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX, schedule AUDC2-WEEKLY-FULL
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - Info nbjm (pid=11055) requesting MEDIA_SERVER_ONLY resources from RB for backup job (jobid=3546528, request id:{75A85CBE-C3FA-11ED-970A-BF54004DD7C3})
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - requesting resource  XXXX-XXXX-MSDP-NDMP-STU
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - requesting resource  XXXXX.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.XXXX
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - granted resource  XXXXX.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.XXXX
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - estimated 2132177672 kbytes needed
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - begin Parent Job
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - begin Stream Discovery:Stream Discovery
17/03/2023 12:00:00 AM - Info bpmount (pid=319157) started
17/03/2023 12:00:27 AM - Info bpmount (pid=319157) exiting with status: 0
Operation Status: 0
17/03/2023 12:00:27 AM - end Stream Discovery:Stream Discovery; elapsed time 0:00:27
17/03/2023 12:00:27 AM - begin Stream Discovery:Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Operation Status: 200
17/03/2023 12:00:27 AM - end Stream Discovery:Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 0:00:00
17/03/2023 12:00:27 AM - begin Stream Discovery:Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
17/03/2023 12:00:27 AM - end Stream Discovery:Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
Operation Status: 200
17/03/2023 12:00:27 AM - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:27
The scheduler found that no backups are due. Or, the target hosts do not need to be upgraded.  (200)

Note: At Storage end , Netapp box tech refresh happened and all SVM's from old Netapp box has been migrated to new box

  • Hi Dav1234 

    I suspect that the two issues are related. It appears as though in the replacement of the NDMP system (NetApp), NetBackup may not have been updated correctly. This is showing in the failed verify commaand (tpautoconf) and the fact that the backup returns status 200. 

    I'd suggest removing the NDMP host from NetBackup and re-adding,m or at a minimum, updating the NDMP host in the credentials section of the GUI. 

    Was the original hostname re-used as part of the refresh?


2 Replies

  • Hello Experts,

    I am not able to verify, PFB

    # ./tpautoconf -verify 10.64.xx.xx
    Connecting to host "10.64.xx.xx" as user "Ndmp"...
    Waiting for connect notification message...
    Opening session--attempting with NDMP protocol version 4...
    Opening session--successful with NDMP protocol version 4
      host supports MD5 authentication
    Getting MD5 challenge from host...
    Logging in using MD5 method...
    ndmp_connect_client_auth failed
    : host "10.64.xx.xx" failed
    NDMP failed to verify host


    ./tpautoconf -probe 10.64.xx.xx
    : host "10.64.xx.xx" failed
    Internal NDMP error


    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi Dav1234 

      I suspect that the two issues are related. It appears as though in the replacement of the NDMP system (NetApp), NetBackup may not have been updated correctly. This is showing in the failed verify commaand (tpautoconf) and the fact that the backup returns status 200. 

      I'd suggest removing the NDMP host from NetBackup and re-adding,m or at a minimum, updating the NDMP host in the credentials section of the GUI. 

      Was the original hostname re-used as part of the refresh?
