Forum Discussion

Yip_Jack's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

NET BACKUP - Drive Address 1 is already ocupied by drive


i have connected HP library tape to win2008 server and inserted 2 tapes(randomly slot in) into library tape machine.

when i configure Storage devies, i got this Warning

"Warning, the followinng robot(s) are enavbled but do not have enabled drives configures"

Robot 0 -TLD"

may i know why i received this warning message? izzit becuase i slot in tape into wrong place? or must slot in total 8 tapes only working?



Thanks and Regards



  • Did you run scan on the media server where the tape library is connected? The lack of output means that there are no devices attached to this server or else that the devices are not responding to scsi_commands. Can you see the medium changer and tape drives in Windows Device Manager? Have you installed vendor drivers for the tape drives?

9 Replies

  • what I guess is that the library does not support serialization or it is not enabled.

    During the device configuration wizard, netbackup "ask" the library how many drives it has and their serial numbers. Then match the drives that are present to the system with there serial numbers and place them at the correct library position (element address).

    If the library does not return serial numbers, netbackup can not determine the drives position and leave them as standalone drives.


    If this is your case, you have to configure the drives yourself. During the wizard you will see the drives as standalone drives. you have to drag and drop then to the correct empty drive slots under the robot.
    Or, after the wizard, you can go to the "media and device management" ->devices -> drives -> select a drive and click properties -> select the robot and the drive position ->OK

  • Please open cmd on the server, cd to ...\veritas\volmgr\bin and run this command: scan Copy the text in the output and post here.
  • D:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>scan
    *********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
    *********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************

    D:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>



  • :)

    Marianne, you are always hit the target....

    But as the message is "Warning, the following robot(s) are enabled but do not have enabled drives configures" should the scan had to report the changer?  

  • Did you run scan on the media server where the tape library is connected? The lack of output means that there are no devices attached to this server or else that the devices are not responding to scsi_commands. Can you see the medium changer and tape drives in Windows Device Manager? Have you installed vendor drivers for the tape drives?
  • I always start with checking that the tape drives are online in the library

    And in case of fiber attached tape drives that they are logged into to the fabric and that they show up on the HBA on the media server

    After that I check the drivers for the library and the tape drives are installed and loaded (this often requires a reboot on windows)

    Oh and check that the tape drives are a type supported by your Netbackup version in the HCL, I have the suspicion that yours are of an unserializated or unsupported type.

    Unserializated tape drives can be made to work, but requires manually configuration and enabling.

    If you post a screen dump of the shown devices in the storage scan, we can better help you


  • in Device configuration wizard, i can deter Bakcup Devices , State is configured, serialized is Yes. after i click next, when i want to click on the "Drive 1 (attached to remote host") then prompt the waning message as i attached.

    wizard, you can go to the "media and device management" ->devices -> drives -> select a drive and click properties  <-- try.. no record there