Forum Discussion

bharatgangawane's avatar
13 years ago

Need a Scripts

Hi Guys ,

I just wanted to know can we create any script for Netbackup serivces should start automatically after Reboot a Unix or AIX server.

If we can,please let me know

Thanks in Advance,


  • A 6.x client has NO background processes or daemons.

    bpcd and vnetd are started by inetd.

    You can find the following in NBU 6.5 Troubleshooting Guide:

    '..... do the following: use SMIT to verify that
    the InetServ object policy was updated with information about the bpcd
    process (/etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services information).
    If you modify the InetServ object policy by using SMIT, the inetexp command
    automatically runs. If you edit the InetServ object policy by using an ODM
    editor, do the following: run the inetexp command to export the InetServ
    object policy to the /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services files. This command
    keeps these files in sync with the InetServ object policy.
    If you change the /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/services file by using SMIT, the
    inetimp command automatically updates the InetServ object policy. If you
    change either file, run the following command to inform the inetd daemon
    of the changes to its configuration file: refresh -s inetd or kill -1

3 Replies

  • NetBackup 7.x or later will start automatically after reboot. Installer regiters startup script into /etc/inittab. No need to write script.

    In former version, I used to create symbolic link as below.

    # cd /etc/rc.d/rc2.d
    # ln -s /etc/rc.netbackup.aix S77netbackup
    # ln -s /etc/rc.netbackup.aix K01netbackup
  • Hi Yasuhisa

    I am using 6.5.4 , as you said this link need to create on client or master

    I am looking on client

  • A 6.x client has NO background processes or daemons.

    bpcd and vnetd are started by inetd.

    You can find the following in NBU 6.5 Troubleshooting Guide:

    '..... do the following: use SMIT to verify that
    the InetServ object policy was updated with information about the bpcd
    process (/etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services information).
    If you modify the InetServ object policy by using SMIT, the inetexp command
    automatically runs. If you edit the InetServ object policy by using an ODM
    editor, do the following: run the inetexp command to export the InetServ
    object policy to the /etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services files. This command
    keeps these files in sync with the InetServ object policy.
    If you change the /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/services file by using SMIT, the
    inetimp command automatically updates the InetServ object policy. If you
    change either file, run the following command to inform the inetd daemon
    of the changes to its configuration file: refresh -s inetd or kill -1