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DK12's avatar
Level 3
5 years ago

NetBackup not fully honoring exclude list on Windows Media server

Good day, well afternoon where I am,

I've got a bit of a challenge - and posting details will require I sanitize some things, so if you ask for data please be patient with me!

The environment I'm managing is running NB 8.0. The DBA's don't want to use the NB SQL agent, so all backups are dumped to a volume by the application. That volume is then snapped and presented across the SAN to the media server. This actually works quite well for several other volumes from the same client, and ensures decent backup speeds.

The policy in question is MS Windows, is using multi streaming, and has 3 schedules - daily diff. incr., weekly full, monthly full.  Recently the policy started running one job out of the weekly streams as a Monthly, and returning a SC 90.

I resolved the messed up schedule by re-creating the policy from scratch, but this does not resolve the SC 90 issue.

The problem is that the job fires up, and tries to backup X:\pagefile.sys.  The incrementals correctly handle this, and shut down. The Weekly full does not, it complains about the job "exited with status 90: media manager received no data for backup image".

I've examined the FilesNotToBackup Reg. key, and \Pagefile.sys is listed, and the BackupRestore reg. key does indeed list the FilesNotToBackup key.

Looking at the exclude list I can see that previous admin's have added entries to specifically exclude {volume letter}:\pagefile.sys.  I tried adding this for the specific volume - no success. I cleand up the exclude list to simply have three entries for pagefile.sys with no volume entry, and stuck that under the All policies, all schedules portion of the exclude list, in case this was one of those times where NB on windows is getting case sensitive. (Pagefile.sys, pagefile.sys, PageFile.sys), again, no success.

When I examine the logs, I see that the file list is passed to the client, and I can see that eventually, NB acknolwedges that the file is in the FilesNotToBackup list, but, it still generates the SC 90, which is creating effectively false information in the reporting, because of course no one cares about pagefile.sys, yet here we are.

Anonymized logs will show up ... eventually. :-)







15 Replies

  • A bit more info pulled from the client side bpbkar log:

    14:57:19.066 [7160.8920] <2> tar_backup_tfi::setupFileDirectives: TAR - backup filename = X:\pagefile.sys
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::create: INF - after m_pBackupObject->V_Initialize(1)
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::create: INF - after m_pBackupObject->V_Initialize(1)
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::create: INF - after m_vxbsa_object->initialize
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <2> tar_backup_vxbsa::add: INF - called with 'X:\pagefile.sys'
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <2> _expand_root: INF - checking for root expansion:<X:\pagefile.sys>
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <2> _fix_registry: INF - checking for registry expansion:<X:\pagefile.sys>
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyFileSystem: INF - corrected name:<X:\pagefile.sys>
    14:57:19.081 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::V_VerifyFileList: INF - UBS Local Type for 'X:\pagefile.sys' --> 10020002
    14:57:19.097 [7160.8920] <2> VxCJUtilGetParams: INF - GetVolumePathName for <X:\pagefile.sys> returned <X:\>
    14:57:19.097 [7160.8920] <2> VxCJUtilGetParams: INF - GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint for <X:\> returned <\\?\Volume{8a554feb-9105-4aed-8342-d66aebc4b42e}\>
    14:57:19.097 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: JBD - not using change journal data for <X:\pagefile.sys>: not enabled
    14:57:19.097 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_write: TCP - success: send socket (516), 71 of 71 bytes
    14:57:19.097 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::V_Initialize: INF - did not create change journal collection, not needed

    .... we go off into the world of Shadow Copy Components, with no apparent errors, then move on to the actual processing

    14:57:26.316 [7160.8920] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLog: INF - v_beds::V_FindFirst() EXIT Name:Shadow Copy Components: bRC:true LastError:0x0:
    14:57:26.316 [7160.8920] <2> TransporterLegacyLocal::winClientShm(): DBG - Mapping for shared memory is Global\NetBackup Media Manager SHM Info Path MEDIASERVER_1574193396 (../TransporterLegacyLocal.cpp:601)
    14:57:27.332 [7160.8920] <2> TransporterLegacyLocal::winClientShm(): DBG - Multiplex tape backup is initiated. (../TransporterLegacyLocal.cpp:666)
    14:57:27.332 [7160.8920] <2> TransporterLegacyLocal::winClientShm(): DBG - Shared memory detail media_shm_info = 1024 524288 967819078 12584 1 1 1 967819078 1 (../TransporterLegacyLocal.cpp:677)
    14:57:27.332 [7160.8920] <2> TransporterLegacyLocal::winClientShm(): DBG - backup time in mpx headers is 1574193396 (../TransporterLegacyLocal.cpp:751)
    14:57:27.332 [7160.8920] <2> TransporterLegacyLocal::winClientShm(): DBG - SHMID = 967819078, BUF_PTR = 0x000000009fff0000 , BUF_CONTROL = 0x0000000002556008 , readyptr = 0x000000000255c008 (../TransporterLegacyLocal.cpp:785)
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <2> Packer::open(): DBG - Started Backup... (../Packer.cpp:272)
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - after backup_class->create.
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - NetBackup Temp Directory: 'C:\Program Files\Veritas\\NetBackup\Temp'
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - before iINI->GetFileList(OV_EXCLUDE, &dwListCt)
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - after iINI->GetFileList(OV_EXCLUDE, &dwListCt)
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - before pOVMatchPList[i]->OVAdd loop dwListCt = 23
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - after pOVMatchPList[i]->OVAdd loop
    14:57:27.519 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - after iINI->GetFileList
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <2> vnet_pcache_init_table: [vnet_private.c:214] starting cache size 200 0xc8
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - after backup_class->SetExcludeFileList
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - after iINI->GetFileList
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup::SetIncludeFileList: INF - Starting VDS thread
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::UpdateExcludeListWithVHD: INF - UpdateExludeListWithVHD begin
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> backup_create: INF - after backup_class->SetIncludeFileList
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Estimate:-1 -1
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_write: TCP - success: send socket (516), 21 of 21 bytes
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::backup_arg_state: INF - V_MODE_BACKUP:Mark transition from estimation state
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::backup_arg_state: INF - remember start error count: 0
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::backup_arg_state: INF - remember start fatal count: 0
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <2> tar_backup_tfi::backup_arg_state: Is ALL_LOCAL_DRIVE Backup = 0
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <2> tar_backup_tfi::backup_arg_state: Backup selections for accurate licensing ---- backup_selections = X:\pagefile.sys, backup_size = 0
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::tfs_scanstart: INF - starting scan for file directive:<X:\pagefile.sys>
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::tfs_scanstart: INF - starting scan using name:<X:\pagefile.sys>
    14:57:27.535 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::tfs_scanstart: INF - in 'backup' mode
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::tfs_startdir: INF - volume guid:<\\?\Volume{8a554feb-9105-4aed-8342-d66aebc4b42e}\>
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::tfs_startdir: INF - volume mount point:<X:\>
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::tfs_network_drive_check: DAT - GetDriveType(X:\) returned 3
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - tar message received from dos_backup::_check_filters
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Filtered 'FilesNotToBackup' Object: X:\pagefile.sys
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> dos_backup::tfs_scannext: INF - no more path list entries
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup::backup_endarg_state: INF - finish error count: 0
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup::backup_endarg_state: INF - finish fatal count: 0
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup_tfi::backup_arg_state: INF - V_MODE_BACKUP:No need to do the estimate. Just continue the backup with the next file
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_write: TCP - success: send socket (516), 65 of 65 bytes
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup::backup_add_last_entry_state: INF - catalog message: Dfi - 0 0 0 -1 23 292 user other 0 0 0 0 /VRTS_IMAGE_SIZE_RECORD
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: 0 files
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: file data: 0 bytes
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: image data: 0 bytes
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::backup_finish: TAR - backup: elapsed time: 9 secs 0 bps
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Total Size:0
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_write: TCP - success: send socket (516), 19 of 19 bytes
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - V_MODE_BACKUP_POST:
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - number of file directives not found: 0
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_backup::backup_done_state: INF - number of file directives found: 1
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - Client completed sending data for backup
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <2> ov_log::V_GlobalLogEx: KeepAliveThread::stopKeepAlive Waiting for keepalive thread to finish
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <4> tar_base::stopKeepaliveThread: INF - keepalive thread stopped
    14:57:27.550 [7160.8920] <8> tar_backup_tfi::cleanupTemp: WRN - will not cleanup 'temp' directory, debug level(s) are too high
    14:57:27.582 [7160.8920] <4> send_msg_to_monitor: INF - in send_msg_to_monitor()...
    14:57:27.582 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_write: TCP - success: send socket (516), 63 of 63 bytes
    14:57:27.582 [7160.8920] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: INF - EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
    14:57:27.582 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_write: TCP - success: send socket (516), 72 of 72 bytes
    14:57:27.582 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_shutdown: TCP - success: shutdown socket (1456)
    14:57:27.582 [7160.8920] <2> dtcp_shutdown: TCP - success: shutdown socket (532)

    Yet, this is the error in the Activity Monitor:

    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:18 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=11088) start bpbkar32 on client
    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:18 PM - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:19 PM - Info bpbkar32 (pid=7160) Backup started
    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:19 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=11088) Sending the file list to the client
    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:19 PM - Info bpbkar32 (pid=7160) change time comparison:<disabled>
    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:19 PM - Info bpbkar32 (pid=7160) archive bit processing:<disabled>
    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:19 PM - Info bpbkar32 (pid=7160) not using change journal data for <X:\pagefile.sys>: not enabled
    Nov 19, 2019 2:57:27 PM - Info bpbkar32 (pid=7160) bpbkar waited 0 times for empty buffer, delayed 0 times.
    Nov 19, 2019 2:58:21 PM - mounted H06228; mount time: 0:01:14
    Nov 19, 2019 2:58:27 PM - positioning H06228 to file 1
    Nov 19, 2019 2:58:41 PM - positioned H06228; position time: 0:00:14
    Nov 19, 2019 2:58:41 PM - begin writing
    Nov 19, 2019 2:58:54 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=11036) media manager for backup id MEDIASERVER_1574193396 exited with status 90: media manager received no data for backup image
    Nov 19, 2019 2:58:57 PM - Info bpbrm (pid=11036) child done, status 90
    Nov 19, 2019 2:58:57 PM - end writing; write time: 0:00:16

    As I understand things, we should have looked at the file list, looked at the FilesNotToBackup + the exclude list, and gone "Ah ha! we don't need to backup X:\pagefile.sys", and simply stopped processing the job and shut it down cleanly, not mount a tape in a drive, then proceed to complain we got no data. This appears to work perfectly well for the Diff. Inc. schedule as there are never any SC 90's for this.


    • DK12's avatar
      Level 3

      Seems I've hit on one that no one has any feedback on. I do seem to get those. 

      I'll be punting this to Veritas early next week - PTO starts in about an hour and a half, and I'd rather not be late for that!

      I did do the same trace on the diff. backup and yup. it does not generate a SC 90 at any point.  To be honest, It would be better if the job simply didn't fire up, but I do get how product works most of it's logic.


      • davidmoline's avatar
        Level 6

        I'm a little confused - what exactly is in the backup selection for the policy - can you share please? 
        From the detailed job status it appears that the client is being told to backup X:\pagefile.sys

        If it is included then the behaviour is expected.