Forum Discussion

jgillfeather1's avatar
4 years ago

SaaS Backup for Dynamics - restore successfull, but report not restored

Hello VOX!

We're running a trial of the SaaS Backup for Dynamics, and have successfully restored over an existing (but edited) User record. 

When testing a  Restore of a deleted record (in this case a Report), we get a response that the restore is successfull, however the report is not available in CRM - have checked the Reports entity, the report is not there.

Is there anyway to get a more verbose restore record than the one in Job Monitor?



2 Replies

    • jgillfeather1's avatar
      Level 2

      Thanks Gagan. 

      I can certainly see the stats, and the restore has a file count and a restore size - but i need to find out what was actually restored, because the report is not there in the UI.

      Have got a contact now through a reseller, will post once I find a solution.

