Feature Pack 1 for Backup Exec 15 delivers improved performance, intelligent backups and enhanced platform support
Hot on the heels of Backup Exec 15 we are excited to announce the availability of Feature Pack 1 (FP1) for Backup Exec 15. Feature packs build on the core strengths of Backup Exec by addressing the top customer needs for hybrid environments and mark the transition away from major releases into a more continuous delivery model.3.1KViews10likes2CommentsBackup Exec 15 - where to find manuals, guides and compatibility information
Are you looking to find information related to Backup Exec 15? If so, here is a list for your reference. Bookmark now! Backup Exec 15 Documentation Backup Exec 15 - Administrator’s Guide Backup Exec 15 - Readme Backup Exec 15 - Performance and Tuning Guide Backup Exec 15 - Licensing Guide Backup Exec 15 - Command Line Interface (BEMCLI) Help Download Backup Exec 15 - Compatibility Backup Exec 15 - Software Compatibility List Backup Exec 15 - Hardware Compatibility List Backup Exec 15 - Getting Started What's Different in Backup Exec 15 Benefits of upgrading to Backup Exec 15 Backup Exec 15 Trialware Download About upgrading from previous version of Backup Exec to Backup Exec 15 How to migrate (move) and upgrade Backup Exec from 32-bit computer to 64-bit computer that has a different Windows OS Backup Exec 15: Step-by-Step guide to download and install the program1.8KViews7likes0CommentsBE 15 Delivers Day Zero Support for Microsoft Windows 10 Client
Leading the pack and staying ahead of the game,Backup Exec 15 exceeds expectations delivering Zero Day support for Microsoft Windows 10 Client. Just a few weeks back we released BE 15 Feature Pack 1 (FP1) with manyimprovements and new features. And now with thousands of successful installations and fantastic feedback, we continue to focus on delivering real customer value and timely platform support. With the release of FP1 we decided to double down with our Agile approach and inpreparationfor Microsoft’sannouncementof Windows 10 Client. We set out to lay the foundation to supportWindows Client 10 and putting us in position to outpace our competitors. Let me say until today (July 29th,2015), not one vendor could claim zero day support becauseMicrosoft has been very busy deliveringnew daily builds and up until the very last minute. Thus we needed to make sure the work that went into FP1 passed ourstringenttesting. We did it! For customers running BE 15.FP1 you are now able to protect any Windows 10 client machine both physical or virtual, simply pushing out the agent to the target machine. Once installed you can easily backup and restore your valuable data hosted on a Windows 10 client machine. Now that we havedelivered basic support for Windows 10 client, we are off working on a few other important components including Simplified Disaster Recovery (SDR), which at the moment you’ll need to follow the technote and run a manual disaster recovery. http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH212802 Q&A Question: Do you support an SDR restore? Answer: Not at this time. Again, in the meantime please refer to thearticlehttp://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH212802which will guide you through the process. Question: Can I do a full / incremental / differential backup and or restore to disk or tape? Answer: Yes, and we support redirected restores also. Question: Can I install the Remote Administrator Console for Backup Exec 15-FP1? Answer:Yes, installing theRemote Administrator Console lets you administer the Backup Exec server from a remote Windows server or workstation. Question: Is client / server side deduplicaton supported? Answer: Yes, it has been tested and it is supported. Question: How do I know if I have the latest version that supports Microsoft Windows 10 Client? Answer: From your Backup Exec 15 server simply run live update and you’ll receive the latest update. You can then push out and update the remote agent that will support Windows 10 Client. Question: Does BE 15 support File GRT of Windows 10 Client Virtual Machine? Answer: Yes, in fact with the latest BE 15 FP1 update,we also support GRT for both Hyper-V and VMware environments. For more details please visit our Backup Exec 15 Software Compatibility List (SCL) We hope you are as excited as we are, and we look forward to continue delivering support for those things which make your job easier. Go Veritas!How to exclude Drive/vmdk or files from vmware virtual-based backup
HI @ all, I need to backup different VMs using virtual-based backups. Now my questions: How can I exclude a whole drive from the backup? How can I exclude a whole vmdk from the backup? How can I exclude a from the backup? Thanks for any help! best regards,Solved3.4KViews5likes2CommentsDuplicate job skipped after primary job was successful - TECH228715
Is there any solution for the problem at all? Symantec seems not to be interrested in a solution. I created tickets, called my distributor and it seems they are not listening. http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH228715.392Views5likes1Comment