Google Cloud Storage vs Amazon S3 as Cloud Storage for Backup Exec 15
Now Backup Exec is offering the new cloud connectors to be able to send the backups into public cloud storage. The current offering is with Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage. So this article is to find out a bit more about which one can be more convinient for which type of customers.Backup Exec Security Blogs
Backup software not only secures and protects your data, but it must alsosafeguard its own operating data. For Backup Exec, some sensitive data such as logon credentials, device passwords and data encryption keys are persisted in the Backup Exec Database. It is of theutmost importancethat these are protected from unauthorized access.Announcing the availability of Feature Pack 1 (FP1) for Backup Exec 15
Hot on the heels of Backup Exec 15 we are excited to announce the availability of Feature Pack 1 (FP1) for Backup Exec 15. Feature packs build on the core strengths of Backup Exec by addressing the top customer needs for hybrid environments and mark the transition away from major releases into a more continuous delivery model.