shutdown and restart Cluster with VEA
Hi all, I have to shutdown our Hardware for a while. Now I'm looking for the best way to do that. I have two storage SAN's connected to two hardware micosoft clusternodes(Windows Server 2003) with VEA 3.2. I will shutdown the sytsems this way: 1. passive Cluster node 2. aktiv cluster node 3. first san controller 4. second san controller 5. both storage's 6. FB switche and the restart this way: 1. FB switche 2. both storage's 3. both storage san controller 4. both cluster node's Are there any things i have to regard? Do the VEA start the to resync after the restart for hours? or it will only reconnect. I hope you can help me. Thank you!1.8KViews0likes3CommentsVCS discovery windows
Hello Experts, As part of a monitoring solution, we have been relying upon the presence of below registry keys to detect presence of a VCS on Windows, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\VC HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VERITAS\VCS\Base This however seems to be unreliable leading to false positives. I want an approach(could be a registry key/value) to detect a VCS with certinity on a Windows. Thank you! Ashish1KViews0likes1CommentDoubts on VxVM,VCS Upgrade & root disk encapsulation
Hi All, I have the below queries please 1) In order to stop VxVM to load at system boot time, we need to modify /etc/system file. What entries are to be commented out ? Is it only rootdev:/pseudo/vxio@0:0 set vxio:vol_rootdev_is_volume=1 (OR) also below entries are to be commented out ? forceload: drv/vxdmp forceload: drv/vxio forceload: drv/vxspec 2) My current version of SFHA is 4.1. Once vxfen, gab & llt modules are unloaded to upgrade to 4.1MP2, should i again unload these modules to further upgrade to 5.1SP1 and again to 5.1SP1RP4 (OR) 6.0 ? After each upgrade should i stop the services in /etc/init.d and unload modules (OR) stopping services & unloading modules only once is enough to further upgrade to other versions ? My Plan is to upgrade from 4.1---> 4.1 MP2---> 5.1SP1--->5.1SP1RP4 (OR) 6.0 3) Before upgrading should i also stop & unload the below listed modules 24 12800a8 26920 268 1 vxdmp (VxVM 4.1z: DMP Driver) 25 7be00000 2115c8 269 1 vxio (VxVM 4.1z I/O driver) 27 12a4698 13f0 270 1 vxspec (VxVM 4.1z control/status driver) 213 7b2d7528 c40 272 1 vxportal (VxFS 4.1_REV-4.1B18_sol_GA_s10b) 214 7ae00000 1706a8 20 1 vxfs (VxFS 4.1_REV-4.1B18_sol_GA_s10b) If yes, should i stop & unload after each upgrade (OR) doing it once is enough ? 4) Once the OS comes up with native disks (c#t#d#s#), In order to bring it under VxVM control we need to encapsulate using vxdiskadm. My doubt is will rootdg, rootvol, plexes & subdisks be created automatically? Need a little clarification regarding this please. Response is highly appreciated as always, Thank you very much. Regards, Danish.Solved1.9KViews0likes1CommentBuilding NetBackup Global Cluster with VVR Option... need
Hello, I am trying to build a global cluster with VVR option. Where i have one NetBackup cluster in Site A with two nodes and one Netbackup Cluster in Site B with single node. I know how to do replication manually for the catalog but would like to add it to global cluster configuration to automate everything. I would appreciate if anyone can share the details what services need to be modified or new service group need to be created to accomodate replication part. If i can have a working for the above solution it will be really helpfull. Best Regards4.6KViews0likes4CommentsMigrate ApplicationHA to new vCenter server
We're consolidating a number of vCenter servers into a single instance. One of the clusters we want to move has VMs managed by AppHA 6.0.1. Is there an easy way to migrate the cluster configuration from the old vCenter server to the new one without causing any cluster outages or losing the cluster configuration? I've found this article on how to deal with the permanent loss of a vCenter server, but an unsure what might happen if the existing vCenter server stays online. to monitor additionally igswd.exe process.
Softwares - Windows Server 2012R2 - SAP Solution Manager 7.1 - Application HA 6.1 I am testing functions of the ApplicationHA agents for monitoring SAP NetWeaver. After I used Configuration Wizard for monitoring SAP system, I used VCS Command to add addtional process(igswd.exe). However, the configuration did not work. Althought igswd.exe was running, the ApplicationHA gracefully stopped the SAP instance. What was the problem?(Was commands wrong?) VCS commands I used below. > hares -display SAP_S01_DVEBMGS00_res | findstr ProcMon SAP_S01_DVEBMGS00_res ProcMon global disp+work.exe jcontrol.exe > haconf -makerw > hares -modify SAP_S01_DVEBMGS00_res ProcMon dis+work.exe jcontrol.exe igswd.exe > haconf -dump > notify_sink.exe -f Thank you.Solved5.8KViews0likes3CommentsHow much space is required in a VxFS file system for the recover file as used by the fscdsconv utility
Hi all, I'm going to migrate a VXVM/VXFS (vers 5.1SP1RP4) volume/file system Solaris Sparc platform to VXVM/VXFS 6.03 Linux 6.5 platform, the file system size is 2TB space, real 1TB.... how much space is required for utility fscdsconv during conversion, there is a formula for this job? Thanks a lot Cecilia1KViews4likes1CommentEnable Deduplication on NetBackup 7.5
Hi, We have got NetBackup running on Windows Server 2008 and currently backing up data on SAN Storage. I want to enable deduplication on it. Couldyou please provide me the best practice procedure to do so ? Where the deduplication should be enabled on client or Server level and how it will be reflected on SAN storage? Please adivse Regards, --Tarek--1.5KViews0likes1CommentVeritas Risk Advisor: Working with Reports
Veritas Risk Advisor (VRA) is a data protection and downtime avoidance risk assessment solution that lets you diagnose disaster recovery and high availability (clustering) problems (also called “gaps”) and optimize data protection and reduce the risk of downtime. VRA enables enterprises to effectively manage business continuity implementations to ensure that critical business data is protected. VRA automatically detects and alerts you to any potential gaps, best practice violations, or service level agreement (SLA) breaches. VRA’s Report Generator automatically generates detailed reports describing your configuration and the gaps that it detected from information extracted from the VRA database. VRA allows you generate multiple reports at the same time. Also you can export the content into the MS Word, PDF, and MS Excel format. VRA Report Types VRA has the following reports: Scan Status System Event Log Ticket Details Storage Allocation Optimization Unreplicated Data on Replicated Hosts NetApp Filer Replication Summary Unsynchronized Remote Replication Old Replicas Standby Pairs and so on Report scheduling VRA also lets you schedule when reports are automatically generated and sent to one or more email destinations that you configure. New reports automatically generate each time before they are sent. You may also choose to save the generated reports in the file system and access them later. Learning More For more information on working with Reports, see “VRA reporting” in the Veritas Risk Advisor User’s Guide. You can access the User’s Guide and other VRA documentation in the Documents area of the SORT website.1.8KViews1like0Comments