Enterprise Vault 10.0.4 to Enterprise Vault 12.1.3 Migration
Dear Experts, I need your suggestion regarding the migration process for EV 10.0.4 to EV 12.1.3 which is running on VCS 6.0 Current setup: 6 Node VCS cluster running in single cluster and in which two nodes hosting EV mailbox archiving, two nodes Journal Archive and two nodes FSA archiving. Also we have single DA Server We are planning to migrate to 12.1.3 and we have planned as below. You suggestions will be highly appreicated. Step 1: Migrate EV Databas, the MS SQL 2008 to MS SQL 2012 (failover cluster) as well DA Database Step 2: Upgrade existing DA 10.0.4 Server to 11.0.1 and then Upgrade all EV Servers to 11.0.1 Step 3: Setup new 6 nodes VCS 7.2 cluster. Two node each for MBX archiving, Journal Archive and FSA Archive Step 4: Install EV 12.0 on all cluster Nodes (no configuration) & Configure disk Group for MSMQ & RegReplication Step 5: Export Configuration from Old EV Servers (Need a clarification here. Whether we need to Export Configuration for each MBX, Jounral and FAS archive cluster or exporting for all nodes at a time should suffice. MBX cluster resource group has its own disk and other resources, so does the Journal Archive cluster and FSA archiving) Step 5: Install DA nodes 12.0 standalone & upgrade the configurations Step 6: deport disks and import disks in new cluster nodes Step 7: Configure VCS EV resource configuration Wizard Step 8: Configure EV VCS Configuration Wizard Step 9: Import EV Configuration (Again the same question. Do we need to import configuration for each cluster separately or we can do it in one go) Step 10: Bring the cluster services up for EV and test archive, retreive and search. Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Rgds, Rane899Views0likes0Comments