Configuring VCS with and files
From release 7.0 onwards, VCS is a component that is bundled with InfoScale Availability and InfoScale Enterprise products. When you configure VCS, the Veritas High Availability Engine needs to know definitions of the cluster, service groups, resources, and dependencies among service groups and resources. VCS uses the and configuration files to convey the cluster, service groups, and resource definitions. The file comprises include clauses and definitions for the cluster, systems, service groups, and resources. The SystemList attribute designates the priority order and the list of systems where a service group can come up online. The defines the standard resource types for the VCS engine and the data type that can be set for an attribute. It also defines the parameters that are passed to the VCS engine. These configuration files can be generated in a variety of ways. For more information, see VCS configuration language. By default, both these files reside in the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config file. Only the first online system in the cluster reads the configuration files and keeps it in memory. Systems that are brought online after the first system derive configuration information from the existing systems in the cluster. You can also define environment variables to further configure VCS. For more information, see VCS environment variables. You can find other versions of Cluster Server on the SORT documentation page.2.1KViews0likes1CommentVeritas InfoScale Enterprise 7.1: Block-level encryption of VxVM data volumes
VxVM provides advanced security for data at rest through encryption of VxVM data volumes. Encryption is a technology that converts data or information into code that can be decrypted only by authorized users. You can encrypt VxVM data volumes to: • Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access • Retire disks from use or ship them for replacement without the overhead of secure wiping of content The implementation uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cryptographic algorithm with 256-bit key size validated by the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2, (FIPS PUB 140-2) security standard. You can encrypt volumes or disk groups in your storage environment. VxVM generates a volume encryption key at the time of volume creation. The volume encryption key is secured (wrapped) using a key wrap. The wrapped key is stored with the volume record. The volume encryption key is not stored on disk. You can secure the volume encryption key using one of the following methods: Using Passphrases (PBE) Using Key Management Server for encryption If you encrypt a disk group, all volumes in the disk group are encrypted. Any volume created later on the disk group will also be encrypted by default. Only new volumes that are created using disk group version 220 or later can be encrypted by VxVM. When you start an encrypted volume, VxVM uses the key wrap to retrieve the volume encryption key and enable access to the volume. Some of the administrative tasks you can perform are as follows: Creating encrypted volumes Viewing encrypted volumes Automating startup for encrypted volumes Configuring a Key Management Server Veritas InfoScale documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORT website.865Views1like0CommentsVeritas InfoScale Enterprise 7.1: Managing application I/O workloads using maximum IOPS settings
When multiple applications use a common storage subsystem, it is important to balance application I/O requests in a way that allows multiple applications to co-exist in a shared environment. You can address this need by setting a maximum threshold on the I/O operations per second (IOPS) for the volumes of an application. The volumes of an application are grouped to form an application volume group. The maximum IOPS limit determines the maximum number of I/Os processed per second collectively by all the volumes in an application volume group. When an I/O request comes in from an application, it is serviced by the volumes in the group until the application volume group reaches the IOPS limit. When the group exceeds this limit for a specified time interval, further I/O requests on the group are queued. The queued I/Os are taken up on priority in the next time interval along with new I/O requests from the application. About application volume groups An application volume group is a logical grouping of volumes associated with an application. The group may contain one or more volumes. All the volumes in the application volume group must be selected from the same disk group. The volumes may belong to a private or shared disk group. Set the maximum IOPS threshold on the application volume group to balance multiple application I/O workloads. The IOPS value is set as a combined threshold for all the volumes in the application volume group. Some of the configuration and administrative tasks to manage application I/O workloads are as follows: Creating application volume groups Setting the maximum IOPS threshold on application volume groups Removing the maximum IOPS setting from application volume groups Adding volumes to an application volume group Removing volumes from an application volume group Viewing the IOPS statistics for application volume groups Additional helpful information about this feature can be found at: Veritas InfoScale documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORT website.581Views0likes0CommentsInfoScale 7.0 for UNIX: Updates to product installation and upgrade
With InfoScale 7.0, during installation or upgrade from an earlier release version to 7.0, you only get to choose from the simplified newly licensed InfoScale products. The earlier products were branded under the Storage Foundation and High Availability name, which has been rebranded to InfoScale. To know how the earlier products map to the new InfoScale products and to know the upgrade path, see the Components of the Veritas InfoScale product suite. With InfoScale 7.0, Veritas introduced four rebranded products, namely: Veritas InfoScale Foundation Veritas InfoScale Storage Veritas InfoScale Availability Veritas InfoScale Enterprise Some of the other changes to install and upgrade procedures are: InfoScale 7.0 is the 7.0 first release to be available in ISO format. During installation, the installer script no longer prompts for the package list, but installs all packages bundled with the product. Prior to release 7.0, installer functions such as installvcs6.2 were used to install the product. In contrast, from 7.0 release onwards, after installation or upgrade, all the installer functions are invoked through the /opt/VRTS/install/installer script. With 7.0, you cannot install two products on the same system. For example, installation of Veritas InfoScale Enterprise includes Veritas InfoScale Storage and Veritas InfoScale Availability on all the systems. [Linux-only] The Linux RPMs now include digital signatures to verify their authenticity. You must import keys before you manually install the RPMs. The image file names are updated. RHEL and SLES are among the supported Linux flavors. For more information on changes to installation and upgrades, refer to the respective platform links: Linux Solaris AIX Veritas InfoScale documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORTwebsite.1KViews0likes0CommentsInfoScale 7.0 for UNIX: Overview of use cases addressed by the InfoScale family
The Veritas InfoScale 7.0 product comprises of four products. It is redesigned and rebranded from the erstwhile Storage Foundation, Cluster File System, and High Availability products. The four new products contain components from the erstwhile Storage Foundation and or Cluster Server products to address specific use cases in the Storage and High Availability domain. InfoScale Foundation – Is the base offering for customers targeting basic storage management. Is the entry-level product in the InfoScale product family. InfoScale Foundation combines the industry-leading File System and Volume Manager technology, and delivers a complete solution for heterogeneous online storage management while increasing storage utilization and enhancing storage I/O path availability. Note that as InfoScale Foundation is targeted at basic storage management, some storage features which are available in the more advanced products such as InfoScale Storage and InfoScale Enterprise are not bundled with InfoScale Foundation. InfoScale Storage – Is positioned to address the Software Defined Storage (SDS) market and provides comprehensive storage management. In addition to the Veritas File System and Veritas Volume Manager technology, this product also includes additional storage features such as Thin Storage reclamation, Veritas File System snapshots, FSS, SmartIO features to improve storage usage efficiency and enhance performance. InfoScale Storage enables businesses to provision and manage storage across hardware types while delivering performance and better storage efficiency. Another important component of InfoScale Storage is Veritas Replicator technology that enables replication of data over geographically distributed data centers over standard IP network. InfoScale Storage also provides the benefit of Veritas Cluster File System, allows clustered severs to mount and use a file system simultaneously as if all applications using the file system were running on the same server. InfoScale Availability – Is positioned to provide extensive capability for application availability. It includes Cluster Server and High Availability Disaster Recovery (HA DR) components to provide high availability of applications, virtual business services running on premises or across globally distributed data centers. The High Availability and Disaster Recovery components allow cluster nodes to failover to a remote site using the Global Cluster Option (GCO) functionality. The Enterprise and Bundled agents provide functionality failover, replicate and provide HA to applications running on the cluster nodes. InfoScale Enterprise – Is positioned to provide extensive application availability with Software Defined Storage in the InfoScale Storage product. InfoScale Enterprise provides CFSHA functionality, where your applications can be clustered not only to provide CFS functionality but also HA to these applications. It also provides Veritas Replication technology, Cluster Server, High Availability and Disaster Recovery capabilities. This product addresses IT business continuity services by providing resiliency and software defined storage for mission critical applications. Note: DMP for VMware component is bundled along with all the InfoScale products, except for InfoScale Availability. It provides multipathing for compatible storage arrays. The compatibility of storage arrays can be found in the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) on SORT web site. Product Components Veritas InfoScale™ Foundation Storage Foundation (SF) Standard Veritas InfoScale™ Storage Storage Foundation (SF) Enterprise including Replication Veritas InfoScale™ Availability Cluster Server (VCS) HA/DR Veritas InfoScale™ Enterprise Cluster Server (VCS) HA/DR Storage Foundation (SF) Enterprise including Replication Storage Foundation and High Availability (SFHA) Storage Foundation Cluster File System High Availability (SFCFSHA) Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC (SF Oracle RAC) Storage Foundation for Sybase ASE CE (SFSYBASECE) (supported only on RHEL 6 and Solaris SPARC 10 platforms) Note: ApplicationHA and Veritas Risk Advisor are not included in the InfoScale product family and remain independent products. For more information on the InfoScale Products, refer to the Component of InfoScale Product Suite . The links in this article are specific to the Linux platform. Veritas InfoScale documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORTwebsite.647Views0likes0CommentsVeritas Resiliency Platform 1.1: Using virtual business services
Any business service is typically made up of multiple components, databases, applications, and web servers. For a business service to work properly, all of its tiers and components must be up and working together. Tiers represent the logical dependencies between the resiliency groups and determine the relative order in which the resiliency groups start and stop. To ensure business continuity, make sure that not just the individual tiers are up and running but also the entire business service. For example, a payroll business service might include a web server, a database, and a payroll application. The payroll application requires the web server, application, and the database to be up and running to provide payroll service. Even if one component were down, the payroll service would be down. From a business perspective, the payroll service is unavailable without the web server and the database also being available. The logical dependencies between the parts of the business service determine the relative order in which they must start and stop to continue to provide the service. A virtual business service (VBS) is a multi-tier business service. In Veritas Resiliency Platform, a VBS lets you group multiple services as a single unit for visualization, automation, recovery, and controlled start and stop in the desired order. A VBS is composed of resiliency groups, the unit of management and control in Resiliency Platform. You organize related assets into a resiliency group and manage and monitor them as a single entity. Within a VBS, resiliency groups are arranged in tiers. Tiers represent the logical dependencies between the resiliency groups and determine the relative order in which the resiliency groups start and stop. For example, you can group a web server resiliency group, a database resiliency group, and a payroll business logic resiliency group into a VBS called payroll. The database resiliency group must start first, so the database resiliency group must go in the lowest tier. The application server resiliency group must start after the database resiliency group, so it goes in the next tier. The web server resiliency group must start last, so it goes into the top tier. The Resiliency Platform console lets you create a VBS by dragging and dropping resiliency groups into tiers. The console also includes a graphic representation of the order in which they start and stop. Creating a virtual business service Resiliency Platform also lets you customize a VBS to speed up start and stop operations of the resiliency groups within it if some dependencies are not required. Customizing a virtual business service Veritas Resiliency Platform documentation can be found on the SORT website.829Views0likes0CommentsInfoScale 7.0.1 for UNIX: Veritas' proprietary IPM-based communication protocol is no longer supported
Inter Process Messaging (IPM) is a VCS-specific communication protocol used by application cluster servers and CP servers. From InfoScale 7.0.1 release onwards, IPM-based communication, which is used for communication between CP servers and VCS clusters, is no longer supported. Before release 7.0.1, you could configure IPM and HTTPS protocols for communication between application cluster servers and CP servers. From release 7.0.1, only HTTPS communication is allowed between CP servers and cluster servers. With IPM protocol no longer being supported, Veritas recommends upgrading InfoScale Availability clusters to release version 6.1 or higher. Note that with IPM communication no longer supported, the installer script does not ask details to configure IPM for cluster servers. Refer to the flow chart below to know whether your CP server version supports IPM-based communication. For more information, refer to the ‘Changes introduced in 7.0.1’ section in the Release Notes on SORT. Veritas InfoScale documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORT website.468Views0likes0CommentsInfoScale 7.0 for UNIX: Overview of product family and licensing
From release 7.0 onwards, the Storage Foundation and High Availability product suite is rebranded to InfoScale. With InfoScale 7.0, you get to choose from a simplified product suite comprising of four products. The InfoScale product suite consists of the following products: InfoScale Enterprise, InfoScale Availability, InfoScale Storage, and InfoScale Foundation. With the simplification of products, there are only four licenses to choose from, one for each product. InfoScale product addresses use cases from the storage and or availability domain. The table lists the products and their components to give you an overall view and capabilities of each product. Product Component Value Proposition InfoScale Family - Product and component mapping InfoScale Foundation Storage Foundation Basic offering targeting storage management InfoScale Storage Storage Foundation SFCFS Comprehensive storage management InfoScale Availability Cluster Server HA DR Application availability and disaster recovery InfoScale Enterprise Storage Foundation SFHA SFCFSHA SFRAC SFSRBASECE Cluster Server HA DR Application availability in addition to comprehensive storage management During product license registration, the license program registers all the components that are bundled for a product. For example, when you register the license for InfoScale Storage, the license program registers licenses for Storage Foundation and Storage Foundation and Cluster File System components. Once you install the product, you can choose which components to configure based on your business goals and workload requirements. The mode of purchasing license has not changed. While installing the product you can either enter the license key and install the product or opt for keyless licensing in which case you select a product level to license a particular product. Note that with keyless licensing, you have a period of 60 days to purchase the license. With keyless licensing, you need to mandatorily register the license in the Veritas InfoScale Operations Manager (VIOM) management tool. Ways to license an InfoScale Product Registering a license can be through the installer script or manual installation or upgrade to an InfoScale product. To register a license by the installer script, it prompts you to enter the license during the installation process. With the manual license registration procedure, you need to run the vxlicinst command to enter the license key and register the product. When you upgrade to an InfoScale product, you need to run the vxlicinstupgrade command to enter the license key and register the product. The vxlicinstupgrade command also allows upgrade from a temporary license to a permanent license, and manages co-existence of InfoScale products. For more details, see the vxlicinstupgrade binary. For more information on product overview and licensing, refer to the following sections: About Veritas InfoScale product licensing Registering Veritas InfoScale using product license keys Registering Veritas InfoScale product using keyless licensing Updating your product licenses Using the vxlicinstupgrade utility About the VRTSvlic RPM The links in this article are specific to the Linux platform. Veritas InfoScale documentation for other releases and platforms can be found on the SORT website.776Views1like0CommentsI/O error on vxfs volume
Hello everyone, Please I need help regarding a volume I cannot mount. It is 2 Symmetrix EMC SAN meta (emcpower), forming one dg (supposedly clonedg), divided into vol01 and vol02. Each day, the metas are cloned from the principal server and mounted, but yesterday we had this issue : /dev/vx/dsk/clonedg/vol01 460G 379G 77G 84% /clone/hydra/oracle df: `/clone/hydra/ora11g': Input/output error (for /dev/vx/dsk/clonedg/vol02) Note that vol01 works perfectly, but not 02. Last time it happened, it did a umount -l and waited for the next day for the clone and it worked. So I umounted it again and then tried to clone and remount, but this time, it does not work. I then tried to deport the dg, in the hope to import it, but no luck : # vxdg -C import clonedg VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-10978 Disk group clonedg: import failed: No valid disk found containing disk group # vxdg -f import clonedg VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-10978 Disk group clonedg: import failed: No valid disk found containing disk group I also did : vxdctl initdmp vxdisk scandisks and now I have this : # vxdisk list DEVICE TYPE DISK GROUP STATUS cciss/c0d0 auto:none - - online invalid emcpowera auto:cdsdisk - - error emcpowera auto - - error emcpowera auto - - error emcpowera auto - - error emcpowera auto - - error emcpowera auto - - error emcpowerb auto:cdsdisk - - error emcpowerb auto - - error emcpowerb auto - - error emcpowerb auto - - error emcpowerb auto - - error emcpowerb auto - - error emcpowerb auto - - error emcpowerc auto - - error emcpowerc auto - - error emcpowerc auto:cdsdisk - - error emcpowerc auto - - error emcpowerc auto - - error emcpowerc auto - - error emcpowerd auto:cdsdisk - - online udid_mismatch emcpowerd auto - - error emcpowere auto:cdsdisk - - online udid_mismatch emcpowere auto - - error emcpowerf auto - - error emcpowerf auto:cdsdisk - - online emcpowerf auto - - error emcpowerf auto - - error emcpowerf auto - - error emcpowerf auto - - error emcpowerg auto:LVM - - LVM Note that many volume are in error, and they are duplicated. From here, I don't know what to do, since I'm not expert in vxfs. so any help would be appreciated! Thank you.1.9KViews0likes4CommentsVeritas Resiliency Platform 1.1 disaster recovery
You can use Resiliency Platform for automated disaster recovery of replicated virtual machines and applications. Replication in a Resiliency Platform deployment You use the browser-based console to create resiliency groups of assets (virtual machines or applications) to manage together. You apply DR configuration to resiliency groups to prepare for disaster recovery operations. Once DR is configured, you can use automated one-click DR operations, such as Migrate or Takeover, on the resiliency groups. Resiliency Platform also provides DR testing, called Rehearsal, to ensure that the remote site is functioning properly. For more information on DR in Resiliency Platform, see the following topics: VMware virtual machines VMware virtual machines disaster recovery - an overview of key steps Hyper-V virtual machines Hyper-V virtual machines disaster recovery - an overview of key steps Applications An overview of key steps required for disaster recovery of applications For details on supported replication platforms, virtualization platforms, and applications, refer to: Veritas Resiliency Platform 1.1 Hardware and Software Compatibility List You can find other versions of Veritas Resiliency Platform on the SORT documentation page.487Views0likes0Comments