Problems backing up OS X machine
Hi, I recently encountered a problem with one of our backup jobs. If it succeeds it usually backs up 3,5 TB od data from an OS X server that has a couple of iSCSI shares connected to it. Two weeks ago this full backup failed after backing up 1,34TB of data with this error: Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000ff11 - A communications failure has occurred with a Linux or Unix resource. Final error category: Resource Errors And the next days daily backup failed with this error: Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000ff11 - A communications failure has occurred with a Linux or Unix resource. Final error category: Resource Errors I checked on the server and it turned out that the agent was not running, I tried to restart it, but it did not start, so I reinstalled it and run a test backup, which worked. I thought it was a one time thing and left it like that for this week. This week the backup failed again, this time after backing up 1,36TB which seems to close to last weeks 1,34TB to be an accident. It failed with the same error and the agent is again not responding. I googled the error of course and found this: But I can't find the 'Back up contents of soft-linked directories' option. All I see is this: and this: Do you guys have any ideas what could be causing this? And where do I find 'Back up contents of soft-linked directories' option? Did the name of it change? I am using BE 2014. Thanks in advance. JakubSolved1KViews0likes6CommentsProper Installer for Backup Exec Agent for Mac
I would like to request that Symantec develop/create a proper Macintosh installer for the Backup Exec Agent. The tools for creating the installer are already available from Apple via the Developer Tools Package Maker. This would make it a lot simpiler to install the product than the way to do it now. At the very least, includ instructions for installing the agent. The last several versions that have been downloaded did not have any instructions of any type. I needed to search online to find the proper instructions.535Views1like1CommentSupport for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
According to Backup Exec 2012 Software Compatibility List, created November 20, 2013 ( The last supported version for Mac OS X is 10.7. However Mac OS X 10.8 came out in July of 2012 and Mac OS X 10.9 came out in October 2013. We are currently trying to install Backup Exec 2012 14.0 SP2 in Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks. We extracted the LinuxUnixMac files as per instructions at However, the following errors are returned. --Begin Error sudo /rams/installrams Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: ../ /rams .. /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin /Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.16 /Network/Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.16 /Library/Perl/Updates/5.16.2 /System/Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.16 /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.16 .) at ..//VxIF/ line 26. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ..//VxIF/ line 26. Compilation failed in require at ..//VxIF/Interface/Utils/ line 22. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ..//VxIF/Interface/Utils/ line 22. Compilation failed in require at ..//VxIF/Interface/Generic/ line 28. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ..//VxIF/Interface/Generic/ line 28. Compilation failed in require at ..//VxIF/Interface/Generic/ line 24. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ..//VxIF/Interface/Generic/ line 24. Compilation failed in require at ..//VxIF/Interface/Generic/ line 22. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ..//VxIF/Interface/Generic/ line 22. Compilation failed in require at ..//VxIF/Interface/Classic/ line 4. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ..//VxIF/Interface/Classic/ line 4. Compilation failed in require at ../ line 16. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ../ line 16. --End Error What I ended up doing, was looking at the shell script that was running. Running /rams/installrams would call /rams/RALUXx86/installrams. This in turn would run /ram/ The line in /rams/RALUXx86/installrams needs to be changed from: perl -I.. -I$PATH -I$VXIF_HOME ../ $* to: perl -I.. -I$PATH -I$VXIF_HOME -I../perl/Darwin/bin -I../perl/Darwin/lib/5.8.7 ../ $* This was able to get the installer running but now with a different error: --Begin Error Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install RAMS: ( Use of uninitialized value within %utf8::PropertyAlias in lc at ../perl/Darwin/lib/5.8.7/ line 123, <STDIN> line 1. 1: Can't find Unicode property definition "XPerlSpace" at ..//VxIF/ line 380, <STDIN> line 1. -End Error Any Help with this would be appreciated. I know that this is not supported by Symantic, but when will Mac OS X 10.9 be supported?Solved850Views1like1CommentBE 2010 R3 - RAMS agent & PowerPC architecture
Everything I'm seeing points to us not being able to bring the older G5's that we have (PowerPC's). Is there another way, eg: using a version RALUS, 2012 RAMS agent, I saw a thread that suggest the 2012 RAMS, but no subsequent posts. There are other platforms out there using Pwr PC , just wondering, appreciate ALL responses. Darwin { 8.11.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.11.0: Wed Oct 10 18:26:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.24.17~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc Thanks Mark544Views0likes2CommentsMac OS X Agent stalling during backup
When attempting to backup files from our Mac OS X 10.6.8 file server, we are encountering a problem where the backup will stall if it encounters a file containing non-standard characters. For example, attempting to backup a file with 'ä', 'Ä' or '–' characters (pretty much any non-standard character) in the name results in the backup process stalling. The file or folder isn't skipped - the backup simply gets stuck. Users can see the file fine in Finder (MEETING NOTES – Test.doc) but if we do an ls in Terminal the file looks like MEETING NOTES ??? Test.doc with the hyphen character represented as \342\200\223 if you try and perform a move operation. We've tried setting the Encoder option (Software\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\RALUS\Encoder) to LATIN-1 and UTF-8 but the problem still occurs. If we copy the file across to a Windows server we can complete the backup successfully. It is vital for us to be able to back up our file server (on Mac OS X) so I'm hoping someone on the forums here might have a solution or some suggestions.Solved1.2KViews1like5CommentsDoes BE 2012 Agent for Mac support client-side deduplication?
Hi, We have a MAC OS X Server running a local storage of about 10 TB of data. As a new backup solution we are considering a deduplication backup solution with BE 2012 and other H/W vendor. To reduce the network traffice while backing up data, we need a client-side (or source-side) deduplication solution, but I am not sure whether BE 2012 Agent for Mac is supporting those functionalities. Does anyone know about this for more detail? If someone is already using this configuration, is it possible to provide a real world performance in terms of dedup ratio or speed things? Thanks in advance. RichSolved842Views0likes3CommentsBE2010R3 cannot restore to OSX 10.6.8 Server Invalid Credentials
Hi, I have BE2010R3 (fully updated) that successfully backs up a OSX SL 10.6.8 server, however a restore fails with error: Final error: 0xe0009b61 - The logon account that was provided does not have valid credentials. Ensure that the user name and password are correct, and then try again. Final error category: Security Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-39777 The link does not provide me with any relevant information in this scenario. This is using the same credentials as the backup job. The user is root, so *should* have access to the entire OSX server. Unfortunately my attempts at resolving it have hit a brick wall... Thanks.Solved873Views0likes5CommentsVerändert der Backup Exec Agent für Mac (BE2012) die Ordnereinstellungen?
Hallo zusammen, wir haben zum erstenmal die Anforderung ein MAC-System mit Backup Exec zu sichern. Auf einem Testgerät haben wir den Agent installiert. das ging problemlos. Auch der Sicherungsjob ief ohne Probleme durch. Was uns später aufgefallen ist war folgendes. Der Ordner "private" war vor der Installation des Agents unsichtbar. Jetzt nicht mehr. Er war vorher auch im Besitz von "root". Nach der installation des Agents war 10001 als Owner angezeigt. Den Ordner "opt" gab es vorher nicht. Er wird nach unserer Recherche im Internet oft in Zusammenhang mit dem Open-Source-Projekt "MacPorts" genannt und sollte dann ebenflls unsichtbar sein. Kann mir jemand dazu Informationen geben? Ist bei der Installation etwas falsch gemacht worden?804Views0likes5CommentsMAC OS incremental backup
Hi everybody, I'm having some problems with backup of files stored on a MAC OS X server. The MAC OS X server have the RAMS agent installed properly and, infact, I can see the server entry in "Favorite Resources / Macintosh Systems" The full backup (using modified time) is working fine. I can get the full backup off every file I need The problem is about the differential (or incremental) backup using modified time. With this solution, the system does not backup copied/moved files with modified date in the past (for example older files that are copied in the target folder - these files maintain their original modification date). Is there a workaround for this issue? I'm using Backup Exec 2010 R3 Rev 5204 64bit while the MAC OS system is
Does anyone know when Symantec Backup will be available in Austria and under what pricing? Also, does anyone know the location of the servers where our data would be stored (Europe? US?)? Finally, does anyone know how private, safe, and secure our data would be (Would the CIA, the FBI, or similar companies have access to our data?)? Any input is appreciated, thank you in advance.Solved1.9KViews0likes11Comments