MSP/XSP Partners - No Communication or Source of Info?
I've been a Symantec Partner, selling products primarily through the MSP/XSP selling program, for about 3-4 years. The way I find out that products are being discontinued is when I fill out my quarterly usage report and find that the product is missing from the price list. When was discontinued, my customers were notified about 3 months before I, the partner, was notified. Am I the only one that doesn't get any information from Symantec except high level communication, such as the announcement that Veritas is to be split off? How do partners keep up to date? Also, I find it terribly difficult to get information about Symantec's various products. How do partners learn the details about Symantec's various products?The provided training only gives sales information and not information on what the product actually does. Representatives are hard to reach and don't seem to know the products very well. I'm hopeful that the Symantec/Veritas split will solve some of the communications/information issues as I've been frustrated for too long.1.1KViews1like0CommentsDLP SSE Training
Hey everyone, I have some issuses with the SSE accredition for SSE. I am done with the whole Sales Training Videos and wanted to do the final assessement. But I always get the following message: "You are not authorized to view this page, for any further questions, please contact your Program Manager." I have the required competences to do the SSE for DataLossPrevention, so I don't know where the problem ist. Any help?981Views0likes0CommentsSSE+, PartnerNet Learning, keine Teilnahme möglich
Guten Tag, ich habe folgendes Problem: Und zwar kann ich mich via Firefox und Chrome ins Partnernet einloggen (per IE funktioniert es nicht!), wenn ich jetzt einen Kurs belegen möchte und auf "Register myself" klicken will passiert nichts. Da ich mich mit dem Internet Explorer nicht mal ins PartnerNet einloggen kann und in div. anderen Connect Beiträgen erwähnt worden wurde, dass das von mir erwähnte Problem im IE nicht auftritt stecke ich nun in einem großen Dilemma.. Was soll ich tun? Gibt es da eine Lösung? mit freundlichen Grüßen Kevin HippertSolved2.5KViews0likes3CommentsNew benefit to Partner Accreditations and Authorizations - now part of your Connect Profile!
In response to many requests, we have added a "Badge" to your Connect Profile when you successfullycomplete a partner accreditation or authorization exam. This badge automatically appears next to your name. To view the accreditations and authorizationsof any partner who now has this Badge, you simply click on their "user name" and then click on "4.4KViews3likes26CommentsFrage zur Backup Exec Spezialisierung
Hallo, ich habe da einige Verständnis Probleme und hoffe das mir hier weitergeholfen wird. Situation: Wir sind Symantec Registered Partner und wollen uns für Backup Exec spezialisieren. Bei den Vertriebsschulungen gibt es 4 Stufen (1.SSE, 2.SSE+, 3.STS und 4.POC, ASC). Frage 1: Anforderungen. Im PartnerNet unter Programs ist die Spezialisierung für Backup Exec nicht zu finden. Dort werden mir 11 andere Spezialisierungen angezeigt z.b. Data Loss Prevention oder Mobility Solution. Mit einem Klick auf z.b Data Loss Prevention und dann weiter auf Anforderungen gelange ich dann auf eine Gesamtübersicht in der ich auch Backup Exec finde -> Symantec Backup Exec 2012 Sales Assessment. Wenn ich dort auf Register (English) klicke komme ich nicht weiter -> Access Denied. Frage 2: Interne Lizensen. Im Dashboard -> Bestellvorteile -> SFDC for Partners war es mir möglich interne Lizensen für Endpoint Protection zu bestellen. Ist man nach einer Spezialisierung im Bereich Backup Exec dazu befugt Interne Lizensen für Backup Exec zu bestellen oder muss man dafür Silver Partner sein? Mfg Heffer675Views0likes1CommentWinXP Image
Hi, I need urgent help in modifying existing Win XP image. I am new to this role and has to complete this activity asap. I have got one .gho and two .ghs image of Windows XP and a Win PE already created. I am able to create a bootable usb using Win PE USBbuild.bat file but when I am using this file to re-image. It says usb image is fat32 and OS image is NTFS and I do not get any error but it did not proceed further. Not sure how to go about this. Can someone provide me some urgent help on this please? Need to add some new models to this image and also need to share instructions on ow to create a bootable usb to download the image from the network. Thanks.1.2KViews1like1CommentCredentials
We are distributor partner of Symantec. I've just completed(in this months) few Symantec cources from and also perticipated on online exams. I've got the certificate from certtracker. I'm seeing my credentials those I've achived three-four months ago from from But the problem is I'm not seeing my latest credentials.559Views0likes1Comment