watch-vox - in powershell...
I'm ever so sorry :/ but I couldn't stop myself :p ...if you want to run it, then : 1) save the code somewhere as "watch-vox.ps1" 2) run it using : powershell -file watch-vox.ps1 ...anyway, here's the script : ############################################################################################################# # File: watch-vox.ps1 # Purpose: Script to watch VOX forum(s) for updates. # # Vers Date Who Description # ---- ---- --- ----------- # v0.01 12-Jan-2017 sdo Initial draft. # v0.02 12-Jan-2017 sdo Only log when something has changed. # v0.03 12-Jan-2017 sdo Log every 100 iterations. # v0.04 13-Jan-2017 sdo Append the diff to the log. Diff -y and suppress. # v0.05 13-Jan-2017 sdo Place all temporary working files in script path. # v0.06 14-Jan-2017 sdo Check status of curl web page fetch. # v0.07 15-Jan-2017 sdo Only move file if curl web page fetch is successful. # v0.08 21-Jan-2017 sdo Test status of initial search to handle successful page fetch which is empty. # v0.09 21-Jan-2017 sdo More capture of stderr to the log file. # v0.10 21-Jan-2017 sdo Store the data files in a sub-folder. # v0.11 21-Jan-2017 sdo Test size of page/file retrieved by curl. # v0.12 22-Jan-2017 sdo Also able to monitor the Article and Downloads by searching for match3. # v0.13 16-Sep-2019 sdo Convert from bash to PowerShell, and so some comments above are now irrelevant. # v0.14 19-Sep-2019 sdo Match "*p*ge-link*" to also pull out names of contributors to topics. # v0.15 19-Sep-2019 sdo Remove last five entries in the topics list, which are top kudo'ed names. # v0.16 19-Sep-2019 sdo Check for minimum of 40 topic entries. # v0.17 19-Sep-2019 sdo Added more detail to comments are core of functionality. ############################################################################################################# $myScriptVersion = "v0.17" $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $Debug = $False ############################################################################################################# # Script functions... # Function dt { [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ) } Function Log( $myText ) { If ( $Null -eq $myText ) { Write-Host "$(dt)" } Else { Write-Host "$(dt) $myText" } If ( $myScriptLog -ne "" ) { If ( $Null -eq $myText ) { Add-Content -Path $myScriptLog -Value "$(dt)" -Force } Else { Add-Content -Path $myScriptLog -Value "$(dt) $myText" -Force } } } Function Abort( $myText ) { Log $myText Log "script aborting..." Exit 1 } ############################################################################################################# # Where am I ? Who am I ? # $myScriptSpec = [System.IO.FileInfo]$PSCommandPath $myScriptPath = $myScriptSpec.Directory $myScriptName = $myScriptSpec.BaseName $myScriptLog = Join-Path -Path $myScriptPath -ChildPath "$myScriptName.log" $myScriptStart = Get-Date If ( Test-Path -Path $myScriptLog -PathType Leaf ) { Remove-Item -Path $myScriptLog -Force } $myUsername = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name $myComputerDomain = ( Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem ).Domain $myComputerName = ( Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem ).Name Log "" Log "" Log "#############################################################################" Log "Script details..." Log "...script spec: $myScriptSpec" Log "...script path: $myScriptPath" Log "...script name: $myScriptName" Log "...script log: $myScriptLog" Log "...script version: $myScriptVersion" Log "...user: $myUsername" Log " name: $myComputerName" Log " domain: $myComputerDomain" Log "...done..." $myScriptData = Join-Path -Path $myScriptPath -ChildPath "DATA\" ############################################################################################################# # Start main engines... # Log "" Log "Initialisation..." If ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $myScriptData -PathType Container ) ) { Log "...creating data folder..." Try { New-Item -Path $myScriptData -ItemType Directory -Force } Catch { Log "...failed to create DATA folder..." Log $_ Abort "...script cannot continue..." } Log "...created ok..." } Log "...the URLs to monitor are:" $URLS = @( "" ,"" ,"" ,"" ,"" ) $Count = 0 ForEach ( $URL In $URLS ) { $Count++ Log "...num: $Count $URL" $OldFile = "$myScriptData\old$Count.txt" $NewFile = "$myScriptData\new$Count.txt" $DifFile = "$myScriptData\dif$Count.txt" If ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $OldFile ) ) { Set-Content -Path $OldFile -Value "" -Force } If ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $NewFile ) ) { Set-Content -Path $NewFile -Value "" -Force } If ( ( Test-Path -Path $DifFile ) ) { Remove-Item -Path $DifFile -Force } } $Speech = $True Try { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech $Say = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer Log "...speech is possible..." } Catch { $Speech = $False Log "...speech is NOT possible..." } Log "...done..." ############################################################################################################# # Lift off... # ...but let's only monitor until midnight... # Log "" Log "Begin monitoring..." $DateStarted = ( Get-Date ).ToString( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) # ...this turns off the PowerShell progress bar which speeds up the fetch of the web page... $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # match the security level of the Veritas VOX web-site... [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12" # we begin looping until midnight... $Loop = 0 Do { $Loop++ # ...just a little to show that we are still working... If ( ( $Loop % 100 ) -eq 0 ) { Log "...loop: $Loop" } $Count = 0 ForEach ( $URL In $URLS ) { $Count++ # ...our data files are number based... $OldFile = "$myScriptData\old$Count.txt" $NewFile = "$myScriptData\new$Count.txt" $DifFile = "$myScriptData\dif$Count.txt" # ...pull out the main topic section name from the URL... $Section = $URL.Split( "/" )[4] If ( $Debug ) { Log "...checking: $Count $Section" } Try { $Page = Invoke-WebRequest $URL -Method Get -Erroraction Stop $Sts = $Page.StatusCode } Catch { $Sts = $_.Exception.Page.StatusCode.value__ } If ( $Sts -ne 200 ) { Log "...failed to fetch: $URL status: $Sts" } Else { If ( $Page.RawContentLength -lt 150000 ) { Log " too small: $($Page.RawContentLength) for: $Section" } Else { # we select/extract the "InnerText" content of the appropriate page links from the web page content... # ...which generates a list of topic headings... # the original poster/contributor name... # the most recent responder/replier/contributor name... # at the very end of the list the top kudo'ed or top authors (which we do not need, we remove these later)... $Topics = $Page.Links | Where-Object { $_.Class -like "*p*ge-link*" } | Select-Object InnerText If ( $Topics.Count -lt 40 ) { Log "...low topic count: $($Topics.Count) for: $Section" } Else { # we come to the crux of it... # ...first, strip off the trailing five entries which are the names of the top five kudo'ed or top four... # ...authors - yes, this does mean that we loose the name of the author of the last topic in Articles... # ...and Downloads, but that doesn't matter for our purposes, because the changes/updates that we want... # detect occur at the head/top of the list... $Topics = $Topics | Select-Object -First ( $Topics.Count - 5 ) #'s time to rotate stock... If ( Test-Path -Path $OldFile ) { Remove-Item -Path $OldFile -Force } # ...but we need to be able to tolerate Brexit (so sad!), i.e. the rug being pulled from underneath us... If ( Test-Path -Path $NewFile ) { Move-Item -Path $NewFile -Destination $OldFile -Force } Else { Set-Content -Path $NewFile -Value "" -Force } # ...if we are still missing an old file, then we still need an empty old file to diff against... If ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $OldFile ) ) { Set-Content -Path $OldFile -Value "" -Force } # ...let's save the current list of topics, in the order that they appear on the web page... $Topics | Set-Content -Path $NewFile -Force # ...let's compare / diff the lists of topics... fc.exe /L /U "$NewFile" "$OldFile" >"$DifFile" # ...check if there was a change/update in the list of topics and/or contributors... If ( $LastExitCode -eq 1 ) { # ...yes, there was a change in the list of topics and/or contributors... [console]::beep(500,300) [console]::beep(500,300) [console]::beep(500,300) Log "...updated: $Section" If ( $Speech ) { $Say.Speak( "VOX $Section updated." ) } } } } } } If ( $Debug ) { Log "...sleeping..." } Start-Sleep -Seconds 300 $DateNow = ( Get-Date ).ToString( "dd-MMM-yyyy" ) } Until ( $DateNow -ne $DateStarted ) Log "...monitoring is done for the day..." ############################################################################################################# # Our day's work is done... # Log "...script exiting..." Exit994Views1like0Comments