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Veritas NetBackup Self Service app for ServiceNow
A new ServiceNow (scope) app that communicates withNetBackup Self Service has beendeveloped and is available to download now from the attachment section below (ServiceNow App for A ‘backup & restore’ service catalogue willbe created in ServiceNow with the following functionality Protect a machine (add it to an NBU policy) Unprotect a machine (remove it from an NBU policy) BackupNow Restore file Restore VM Machine Health information will be available in ServiceNow including alerting capability when a machine has not been backed up within a set time etc The App will utilise's the ServiceNow CMDB for machine registration This support's NSS 8.1.1 and above and ServiceNow version Kingston and above. If you require support please contact me directly and we are happy to demo/workshop/assist install as required.JonHunt7 years agoLevel 510KViews0likes13CommentsNSS: Failed to contact master server
Hi team, I have a NSS 8.1.2 installed in Win 2016 Std. I am trying to connect with a master server 8.1.2 with Windows 2008 R2. But I get this message: Exception calling "Start" with "0" argument(s): "The specified executable is not a valid Win32 application."Solvedsv_jioo866 years agoLevel 36.7KViews0likes10CommentsNSS file restore, can I have an alternative path or client?
When restoring files/folders in NSS, users have an option to restore to an alternative location. If selected, NSS will create a new, unique sub-directory (a combination of 'RestoredFiles-<req#>') in the original directory on the original client where the files/folders will be restored. However, I would like the option to restore the file to an alternative path on the original client and an alternative client/host.Solved6.6KViews0likes12CommentsHow to reset a forgotten admin password of nss portal
Greetings! I have misstyped the password of nss portal and unable to login (no email attached for supervisor admin) How can I reset the Admin password to default Also in sql database i see the history of changed passwords in encrypted form. Will it be possible to decrypt it (what encryption level is used (md5 etc.)?)Solved4.2KViews0likes4CommentsCan't find NSS Documentation for the API
We have had a few queriesfor the followingscenario when people are trying to findAPI documentation for NSS............. The appendix FofVeritas NetBackup Self Service Configuration Guide says "Documentation for the API is found in the SDK folder in the installation directory. The documentation for the API is also available online. The URL is included in the ReadMe.txt file in the SDK directory." But Readme.txt in SDK folder says "Documentation ============= Netbackup Self Service (NSS) exposes a REST Api to programmatically manipulate the system. Full documentation of the REST Api is available at this link: [SwaggerWebsite] Machine readable Swagger json definition of the Api is available at: [SwaggerJson] This folder also contains some sample PowerShell scripts, which illustrate using various aspects of the Api." Is there a specific set of URLs that I should have them point to for SwaggerWebsiteandSwaggerJson.JonHunt6 years agoLevel 53.9KViews0likes6CommentsVeritas NetBackup Self Service plug-in for VMware vCloud Director
Available now......... The VMware vCloud plugin for NSS(NetBackup Self Service) match's NSS to vCloud functionality i.e. a tenant is be able to perform the following actions on vCloud objects: Protect, Unprotect, Backup Now, Restore VM, Restore File (not all actions are available on all objects e.g. file restore is not applicable to a vDC) It also introduces support for agentless file restore and a dashboard with the familiar traffic lights and usage information. NSS needs to be installed and configured but the tenant is able to do everything from vCloud without having to access the NSS Portal The plugin follows vCloud's guidelines on scope and UX and it provides a seamless experience to the tenant user. The minimum VMware vCloud version supported is 9.7 Additional Overview Video and Powerpoint is available below in the attachments section. This plugin is available in the Veritas Downloads area where NSS can be downloaded also. >>November 2020 version1.1 released with the following updates:-<< Enhancement - Dashboard Page A new Dashboard link in the left-hand menu is now available. When selected, the protection status counts are displayed as colored tiles (red for attention, amber for unprotected, green for protected). Additionally, the total Consumed Capacity is displayed. This represents the total size of backups (using “front end” size of assets at time of backup). Enhancement - Running & Failed Activities Backup / restore activities triggered from within the plugin can now be viewed via a gear icon next to the object (virtual datacentre, vAPP, or VM). The gear icon depicts the following statuses: If the activity is in progress, an animated / spinning gear icon is shown. If any error occurred in the activity, a red gear icon is shown. Clicking on a gear icon will take the user to a new Activities History page for the object. Bug Fix - UI Consistency The filtering UI on the vAPP and VM page has been brought into line with the standard UI for VMware vCloud Director version 10.0.JonHunt5 years agoLevel 53.9KViews1like5CommentsTry out the mobile app for NetBackup Self Service
In a previous post ( NSS Mobile App )I covered the new functionality for the Self Service mobile app. Now you can test this for yourself on your Android or iOS mobile device by hooking it up to your own NSS 8.1.2 (or later) instance. Attached is a video demonstration: NSS Mobile APP 1.1 Demonstration.mp4 Click here to view/download demonstration script Once you have created your account and logged into NSS you can proceed as follows; NSS APP Installation and configuration The app is available for free download from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store (from September 17th 2018) Following download, users are required to connect the app to a Self Service instance This can be done by logging into Self Service and navigating to the “About NetBackup Self Service” page Click “Scan Login” in the app and point your device at the QR code on the screen The API URL and user account are automatically populated after scanning These can be manually entered or adjusted if required Enter your Self Service password to access the app Your details will be remembered for next visit Select Logout from the top left menu to go through the login procedure againJonHunt7 years agoLevel 53.4KViews0likes2CommentsNetBackup status code: 6000 Message: The provided path is not whitelisted
I am able to successfully browse the file/folder structure of the VM backup from the NSS portal, select a file, and initiate the restore, although the restore attempts failed. NetBackup status code: 6000 Message: The provided path is not whitelistedSolved3.4KViews0likes1CommentFail to install Netbackup Self Service Adapter
Greetings! I try to install Netbackup Self Service. I've successfully installed NSS Portal, but while i run the NSS Adapter installer i get error. Let's see that step by step. -Select Components(include Portal Panels, Web Services and Tasks, Database) ------> success -Validate Power Shell -----> success -Select Portal Web Service(Default Web Site/NetBackupSelfServicePublicWebService) --------> success -Validate Portal Web Service Connection -------> Unblock blocked files is Ok, but Check vonnection to Portal Web Service fail Log file output: Target Unblock: Unblocking files for location 'C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\..\' Target GetFrontOfficeParameters: WebSite 'Default Web Site' has Url 'http://server' DapiConnectionString: authtype=Anonymous;url=http://server/NetBackupSelfServicePublicWebService/DirectaApi.svc; Target CheckDapiConnection: C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : Failed to Connect to Dapi with connection string: authtype=Anonymous;url=http://server/NetBackupSelfServicePublicWebService/DirectaApi.svc; Exception: Exception calling "DoesIntegrationSettingExist" with "2" argument(s): "The content type text/html; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8). If using a custom encoder, be sure that the IsContentTypeSupported method is implemented properly. The first 1024 bytes of the response were: '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : <html xmlns=""> C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : <head> C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : <title>IIS 8.5 Detailed Error - 500.19 - Internal Server Error</title> C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : <style type="text/css"> C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : <!-- C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : body{margin:0;font-size:.7em;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : code{margin:0;color:#006600;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : .config_source code{font-size:.8em;color:#000000;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : pre{margin:0;font-size:1.4em;word-wrap:break-word;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : ul,ol{margin:10px 0 10px 5px;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : ul.first,ol.first{margin-top:5px;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : fieldset{padding:0 15px 10px 15px;word-break:break-all;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : .summary-container fieldset{padding-bottom:5px;margin-top:4px;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error :{padding:2px 15px 4px 10px;margin:0 0 0 -12px;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : legend{color:#333333;;margin:4px 0 8px -12px;_margin-top:0px; C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : font-weight:bold;font-size:1em;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : a:link,a:visited{color:#007EFF;font-weight:bold;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : a:hover{text-decoration:none;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : h1{font-size:2.4em;margin:0;color:#FFF;} C:\Program Files\Biomni\NetBackup Self Service Adapter 8.1\MSBuild\Validate.proj(126,5): error : h2{font-size:1.7em;margin:0'." Done building target "CheckDapiConnection" in project "Validate.proj" -- FAILED. Done building project "Validate.proj" -- FAILED. Thank you.KirillKrotov7 years agoLevel 43.3KViews0likes8Comments