Forum Discussion

Rob_Dullaart's avatar
3 years ago

configure Flex Appliance 5250

Hello all,  I have a project to configure a Flex-Appliance. The documentation is not very clear, is it possible to guide me a bit so I can configure the box myself? I did configure non-flex-applianc...
  • bhdrkzltn's avatar
    3 years ago

    Sorry, missed the subject line covering the model.

    # IPMI and NIC1/eth0 ports must be plugged-in and up state.
    # NIC1 interface is reported as "host0/mgmt" at Flex OS level. It's used to access Flex Management console.
    # Get IPMI interface, login and change default sysadmin password.
    # Login to Flex Appliance via hostadmin/P@ssw0rd. And change default password (set user password).
    # Set timezone (set date timezone).
    # Manipulate /etc/hosts file to point IP/FQDN/Shortname to be assigned to host0/mgmt interface (system add-host).
    # Configure host0 interface (setup configure-network).
    # Set NTP server (set date ntp).
    # Configure Flex Management Console (setup configure-console).

    Once completed you should be able to access to Flex Management Console (https://fqdn) and login with admin/P@ssw0rd pair.