Forum Discussion

Robert_Eriksson's avatar
13 years ago

After upgrading to BE 2012 Sharepoint jobs fails, Access Denied.


After upgrading and then reinstalling BE 2012 my Sharepoint 2007SP3 jobs failes.

Much like the old, fixed in 2010R3 SP2.

Completion status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0001602 - Access is denied (Share point backup).
Final error category: Security Errors
For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-5634
This Exception may also show up:
Backup- Sharepoint - 80\Content-DB1 (SERVERNAME\SHAREPOINT\WSS_Content)


When I create the job the Test credentials check out OK, all passes.
But the the job runs and it failes, when I the go in and check the credentials again they failed.


Any one else with this problem? Solution?


11 Replies

  • I opened a support case for the same issue - in fact 2 cases.  One of them is over a month old.  I have yet to get a resolution to the problem.  At his point, we can't do ANY Sharepoint restores!