Forum Discussion

james_richard2's avatar
9 years ago

Append media problems, PLEASE HELP!!

Hi guys,

Trying to backup 2 servers to 1 tape when seems to back them up fine but it overwrites the 1st server when backing up the 2nd server, so only end up with the 2nd server backed up.

I think I'm doing it right but would lilke some clarification if at all possible please.

I've got my 1st server (Job) set to "Overwrite Media" and the 2nd Server (Job) set to "append to Media, overwrite if not appendable media is available".

In the backup settings/storage I've just set this morning for tonight, I've set it to "Partial protection" and unticked the prompt option. Before it was set to NONE but before that it was on FULL protection and wouldn't backup because it complained it was protected.

The backup sets are set as followed;

Protection period - 3 weeks

Append period - Infinite - Allow append

I had the backup sets like this in 2010 and backing up to a NAS box which seemed to work fine and it kept the data until the protection period had expired. If I backed up any other data before the expriation date it just added to it instead of overwriting it.

I would like to backup both servers on 1 tape and keep about 2-3 weeks worth backups before overwriting anything, what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,


24 Replies

  • Yes the second job is using the same media set but I thought it was supposed to be like that, should I make new one for the second server backup??



  • It is supposed to be like that -  if you used two different media sets it woud havre to be two different tapes (or an overwite and destruction of the first set).

    I just asked to check that you had that set correctly.


    I guess the only other thought is is the second job starting before the first job has finished?

  • I never thought of that, I thought i'd set the times right to give the first server enough time to finish but last night it had finished at 2:16am and the second server starts at 2:00am.

    I've changed the second server to 3:00am, so lets see if that does it :-).



  • Changing the time sorted that problem thanks Colin.

    I think I'm good to go now, thank you for everyone's replies :-).

    Kindest Regards,
