Forum Discussion

Christopher_Jol's avatar
13 years ago

B2D - External Drives - USB3 or ESATA - What Would You Do?

Ok, we have been using a Dell PV132T tape library for the past 6 years.  I think its time to move away from the tapes and move towards external drives.

With that said, I have a 2008R2 64bit server running BE2012. 

What technology would you use for the external drives, USB3 or ESata?

I can install whatever card I need, so that is not an issue.  The current server only has USB2 ports, so whatever I decide, I will need to install a new interface card.  My whole goal is to decrease backup and restore times.  Currently it take over 33 hours to perform our Weekly Full backups and I want to see this decrease.

My plan as it sits right now, is to create 4 storage pools (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)

Daily - Keep 5 Days of Differential backups (Mon - Fri) (Typically 500g, as I do a full backup of the Exchange and Sharepoint server nightly)

  • I think I can use 1 3tb drive and get all of my dailys on this one drive.  I never (probably should) take the daily tapes offsite)

Weekly - Keep 5 weeks of Full backups (Sat) (Typically 1.7tb)

  • Thinking (5) 3tb drives and these will be taken off site every Monday

Monthly - Keep 12 Months of Full backups (Last Sat of Every Month) (Typically 1.7tb)

  • Thinking (12) 3tb drives and these will be taken off site first Monday of every Month

Yearly - Keep 7 Years of Full backups (Last Sat of Dec) (Typically 1.7tb)

  • Thinking (7) 3tb drives and these will be taken off site first Monday of Jan

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