Forum Discussion

klx_out's avatar
Level 3
18 years ago

Backup exchange error

I have a problem when I try to make a backup of exchange 2003. Error is

Aplicaci�n con errores: beremote.exe, versi�n: 9.1.4691.0, m�dulo con error: BEDSMBox.dll, versi�n 9.1.4691.0, direcci�n de error 0x00008cef.

Last year I have made backup with same configuration and all it was ok, but since last week appear whis error in event log of applicaction. Server is widnows 2003 SP1 and veritas backup Exec 9.1 4691 with remote agent installed in other server. Remote backup to other servers is ok, only problems appears with exchange 2003 backup

appears this error but I try to fins sp1 and this link fails and I can't find sp1 for veritas

Second link it is ok, but we need to install sp1 before.

Another question if I install any service pack to veritas, needs to reboot after installation or no?

What Can I do?


5 Replies

  • Hello,
    The SP1 of 9.1 is no more Available. You will have to Install the SP4a which is the latest. This will include the SP1 as well.

    Could you also give us the error in English.

  • ok

    In english message error is:

    Faulting application beremote.exe, version 9.1.4691.0, faulting module BEDSMBox.dll, version 9.1.4691.0, fault address 0x00008cef

    What I have to do to solve this error?

  • Hi,

    Please install SP4a and reinstall the remote agents. Refer:

  • I have installed sp4a and also latest update from veritas update otfix56 (latest update ) and now veritas is full updated but problems continue.

    when I try to backup exchange 2003 with mailbox backup and information store, backup fails.
    If I try mail box backup only, bakcup fails
    If I try information store backup, backup is OK

    Messages errors that appears when backup fails are:

    La tarea ha finalizado: jueves, 07 de septiembre de 2006 a las 2:38:15
    Estado al finalizar: Fallida
    Error final: 0xa00084f8 - Se ha perdido la conexi�n de red a Backup Exec Remote Agent. Compruebe si hay errores de red.

    Categor�a de error final: Errores de recurso


    in event viewer errors are:
    id: 1000
    source: application error

    Faulting application beremote.exe, version 9.1.4691.56, faulting module BEDSMBox.dll, version 9.1.4691.47, fault address 0x0000a49f

    id: 34113
    source: backup exec

    details about failed task

    id: 7034
    source: service control manager

    The backup exec remote agent for windows servers service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time(s)

    I have windows 2003 sp1 and exchange 2003 (6.5.6944.0)
    When a failed backup finish also stop some services of veritas and I have to start veritas services.
    I have tried many things and I don't know what to do.
    What can I do?

  • Hello!

    Is an anti virus scanner running during the backups?

    Try out the suggestions from the following document!
