Forum Discussion

mcwnasa's avatar
Level 2
5 years ago

Backup Exec - Unable to use tapes that it's used before

I inherited a a Dell Powervault TL4000 along with a server running Windows Server 2008 R2 and BackupExec 2014.  The issue I'm having is that I cant get any of the tapes to work (they all worked before I got the system).   I've moved all the tapes to the Scratch Media category.  But every tape operation I try (other than Inventory) give me an error.  The error reads:  The medium is not compatible with the device or media pool.    I'd like to just erase all the tapes of previous data to start the library/inventory/catelog from scratch..  But even with a backup operation, I get that message..   

What am I doing wrong?

  • Yes, your picture of the back of the tape drive shows a SAS connector on an LTO5 drive.

    HBA = Host Bus Adapter.  Simply, this is the controller card in the server that connects to the tape library.

    There is no need for bar code rules with a single tape drive in the tape library.  Your screen shot shows the rules themselves, not whether the rules are enabled.

    The real problem seems to be that you are using LTO3 cartridges in an LTO5 tape drive.  LTO3 cartridges are READ ONLY when used in an LTO5 drive. That is why you can take an inventory and not much more.  You could do a catalog and a restore if there is valid tape already on the tape.

    I have no explanation for your claim that they used to work.  You will need to obtain LTO4 or LTO5 media for your LTO5 tape drive.  Or you could obtain an LTO4 tape drive to write to your LTO3 cartridges.

4 Replies

  • What quantity and generation of tape drive?  (ie 2 x LTO5, 1 x LTO6)

    I assume the connection between the server and the TL4000 tape library is SAS?

    I assume that you are not using bar code rules for your media?  But make sure it didn't get turned on by accident (an on/off option is in the proerties page of the TL4000 library)

    What HBA are you using in the server for the tape drive?  Unless specifically stated in technote article , tape libraries or tape drives attached to a RAID controller are not supported.  It is possible that a driver update or a firmware update to the HBA is what triggered your issue.

    You may want to use tracer.exe to see what errors are coming from the tape drive.

    general torubleshooting checklist

    Try using the IBM ITDT test tool to erase some tape or run diagnostics.

    • mcwnasa's avatar
      Level 2

      Larry, thanks for the reply.  I'm sorry I should have included more info but wasnt sure what was needed.

      The connection between the server and the TL4000 I believe is SAS (see pic 1).  

      As to the type of tape that are loaded in the slots, (see pic 2).  They are on Sony LTX400G Ultrium Lto 3 400/800GB

      There are bar code rules in place.  Pic 3 shows the current settings for the bar code rules..

      As to your question on HBA..  You'll have to tell me what an HBA is..  I dont believe the unit is attached to a raid device.  PIc 1 shows the connectors currently in use. The server has the same type of connector on it as well.

      In terms of the quantity and generation.  I have 1 drive. It is an IBM LTO Ultrium 5-H

      • Larry_Fine's avatar
        Level 6

        Yes, your picture of the back of the tape drive shows a SAS connector on an LTO5 drive.

        HBA = Host Bus Adapter.  Simply, this is the controller card in the server that connects to the tape library.

        There is no need for bar code rules with a single tape drive in the tape library.  Your screen shot shows the rules themselves, not whether the rules are enabled.

        The real problem seems to be that you are using LTO3 cartridges in an LTO5 tape drive.  LTO3 cartridges are READ ONLY when used in an LTO5 drive. That is why you can take an inventory and not much more.  You could do a catalog and a restore if there is valid tape already on the tape.

        I have no explanation for your claim that they used to work.  You will need to obtain LTO4 or LTO5 media for your LTO5 tape drive.  Or you could obtain an LTO4 tape drive to write to your LTO3 cartridges.