Forum Discussion

Sense2000's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Backup Exec 15 after Update no communication with vCenter - all AVVI jobs fail

After updateing our customers BEX 2014 environment (physical an virtual) all jobs defined as RAWS with transport via LAN are running smoothly.

Accidently all jobs using the AVVI with vCenter are stopped and second the local Remote Agent for Windows running at the backup server is stopped at the moment tto snap the VMware VMDKs. The log said "communication error". The vCenter is reachable like before and running well. First error is V-79-57344-65304 followed by V-79-57344-3844 because the local agent is stopped.

What is the cause? Creating a new trusted link betwenn backup server and vCenter does not help.

We use Windows Server 2012 R2 and vSphere 5.5.

20 Replies

  • Had the same problem after upgrading from BE 2014 to BE 15.   Finally stumbled on this post over the weekend and pulled the libcurl.dll from a snapshot of my system before the upgraded and replaced the one in Symantec\Backup Exec\VMWare VixDiskLib\bin folder and my VMWare backups began to work correctly.   One of my other sites upgraded just fine and are using the same version of VMWare 5.5 that we are using so not sure where the issue lies between VMWare and BE 15.   I did log a support ticket.

  • Spent a couple of hours with support on this issue, gather logs, ip settings, agent settings, vmware settings etc.   Finally they wanted me to test after upgrading the VMWare tools on a VM and I had to tell it wouldn't matter becasue the back up would fail.   All of the VMWare backups fail as long as I have he new libcurl.dll in place.   They still didn't get it.   I had to show them on a ESXI host that backed up fine with the old libcurl.dll on Saturday that it would now fail with 0 bytes backed up and then I think the support person got the picture. 

    They wanted to look at the trees, I'm having problems with the forest.  I will worry on the specfic trees after I get to the forest solved. I probably should have just asked to to have it escalated but since I have a work around by using the libcurl.dll from BE 2014 I know have a method for at least getting something on my tapes.

    Supposed to get a call back this afternoon to see if they can move the call up the ladder.


  • Hi

    This sounds similare to the following issue:

    Please log a support call so Tech support can confirm that the issue you experience matches the issue as per above Article.



  • Hi John - When you speak to support please give them the article number provided by RogerR in this thread, as it sounds like the engineer you are working with  is not aware of the known issue. He/she can then advance against the known issue. 

  • Hi Roger,

    I was on the phone with support for a couple of hours yesterday while they looked at a lot of jobs, settings, vmware info etc.   But the support tech really wanted to look at why specific VM's weren't backing up and wanted me to make changes to try and get them to work.   It took me a while to convince him that it didn't matter what changes I made to the VM because BE 15 fails to communicate correctly to the ESXI host and nothing would be backed up.  But I made progress after showing the support tech that renaming the libcurl.dll to the 2014 version would allow the VMWare backups to run.  

    So I had an email this morning that they want to have upload the logs and will move the case forward.

    I did also forward them the link above this morning.



  • At this moment we try another webex. Later I will share my new informations.



  • Symantec SE installed the complete C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\VMware\VixDiskLib\bin

    directory with fresh files from the BE 15 installation disk.

    Unfortunateley nothing happens. The error persists.

    After changing back to the former LIBCURL.DLL backups ran again.

    Meanwhile I´m a little impatient.




  • It is beyond my comprehension that Symantec has allowed the product to go out the door with such a major show stopper bug in it.  And to post a tech note that a workaround is to run Remote Agent based backups of VMs is not really a work around since you cannot restore the entire VM and VM configuration with those backups.  The entire point of AVVI is to be able to backup and restore VMs.  So a major portion of the funcationality in BE 15 is broken.

    When can customer's expect a fix?

    In the meantime I am going to recommend to my customer that he roll back to BE 2014.

  • Up to now I got no real solution. Last action was to disable ipv6 traffic from an to backup server. This helps that I´m able to use the original DLL. But it´s only a workaroud. Many of us use the ipv6 protocol since introduction of windows server 2008. Symantec is investigating the problem together with VMware they told me.