backup exec 15 backup sets not deleted.
Running Backup Exec 15 on a Windows server 2012 R2 host for Hyper-V.
I use 5 indetical usb disk's that i swap daily. Connected as drive X:.
I have made a backup store call'd "Daily" that point's to X:\bedata.
Backup job has set that the backup set is write protected 3 days.
I have scheduled a Inventory run befor the backup job.
The problem is when i swap usb disk the system see the "new" disk, and it can see if there is space available for backup.
But it does not see the backup set's on the disk that is expired.
If i do a catalog on present usb disk, it see's the expired backup set and is cleaning up as expected.
But i cant schedule a catalog.
Therefore my disk is runnig full and the backup i fails.
What ohter options do i have to get i done automatic?
Hi i made a case at Veritas.
Here is the answer.
As far as I understood, you would like to schedule a catalog job on your USB for activate the DLM process when you connect the disk and delete the old backup sets. This operation cannot be done using the console, but you can use the becmli (formally the Backup Exec command line interface): what you can do is:
- create a script with the command for run the catalog;
- schedule the script with Windows Task Scheduler.
I'm attaching you a tech note where you can find information about that:
I made a bach file looking like this.
cmd.exe /c powershell.exe -command "& {import-module bemcli;Get-BEDiskStorageDevice "*" | Submit-BEInventoryAndCatalogMediaJob}"
And had it to run from the Windows scheduler.
And it is working :)