Forum Discussion

pfcITAdmin's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Backup Exec 15: The operation failed because the vCenter or ESX server reported a problem creating or accessing more files needed.

Hello, I need some help

I'm tryin to Backup a Virtual Server using a Virtual Based backup but I'm not being succesful. There images below display the errors I am getting.


Job Log shows this...


I tested the credencials and everything seems fine. The Credencial Ststus is succesful and the State shows Online as you can see below 


I also have the correct version of Backup Exec Remore Agent Utility Installed, Under Security tab, I can see that the truct was established between the server where Backup Exec 15 is installed and the Remote server I am trying to backup. 



What can I do here?

Thank you.