Forum Discussion

14 Replies

  • How did Kirk get into the picture?  I believe those are my articles that you are referring to.

  • Buenos días.

    ¿Tenemos algo en el idioma español?

    Muchas gracias

  • I've came here to get the manual or train on 2012.

    The fact I have to do this should tell you that as far as making your product easier to use, you failed.

    I've never read a manual in the decade plus I've been using BEW and I've backed up, restored, incrementally, full server recoveries and entire bit.

    That means it was easy to use.  Nothing beats the tree list check box for simplicity in backup or restoring.

    IF I could get corporate not to buy another copy of BEW I would.  At least then I'd have gotten some good out of this poor decision to revamp the internface.

    You need to slap yourself in the face instead of patting yoruselves on the back on this product.  You took a fine, easily used, never need to read the manual interface and ruined it imho.

    ...before we get to your not having any sort of actual manual that I can download, print off or read on a smartphone.  I click on the manual link and it sends me to your knowledge base search engine... really...

    Get back to simplicity and fire whoever thought this was a good idea.

    ...and I'll waste hours of my time overcoming your "improved" product.

    Thanks for absolutely failing to make it easier to use.

  • Curmudgeon, I'm in the Backup Exec Product Management team. I will contact you direct to see if we can better understand and help you overcome your frustrations