Forum Discussion

tolinrome's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Backup Exec 2012 and Powershell


Any idea how I can use powershell with 2012 and have it output all the job settings for the backups? For example, the schedule, storage, notification, verify option, AOFO, etc, etc?

The reports dont have much to go on.


  • I am not sure if this is entirely possible. However, some information like storage and all can be obtained. Here is the Technote that has a .chm file (help file) for BEMCLO interface. It does have all the possible command line options with Examples.

  • BEMCLI commandlets offer substantial information about backup jobs.  With the way Backup Exec 2012 is architected, backup job definitions contain most of the general options and the jobs created from the definitions will contain the schedule, selections, and storage options.  Unfortunately, notification options are not yet supported by BEMCLI.  Also BEMCLI will only return summary selection information rather than detailed selections. 

    The Technote referenced by Jaydeep above contains a lot of good information about getting started with BEMCLI.  The two BEMCLI commandlets that are most useful to obtain the majority of the job settings are Get-BEBackupDefinition and Get-BEJob.  I don't know how familiar you are with Powershell, but I can offer a few general tips without producing a Powershell tutorial here.

    When you execute a commandlet like Get-BEBackupDefinition a list of every job definition will be displayed on the terminal.  However, not all fields are displayed.  To display all the fields from the results, you can type something like the following:

    Get-BEBackupDefinition | Format-List *

    Likewise the following will display all available fields from all jobs:

    Get-BEJob | Format-List *

    Since Powershell supports scripting, you can create a script that lists the job definitions and follows each of these with the jobs created from that definition with something like the following:

    Get-BEBackupDefinition | ForEach-Object -Process{

                   $_ | Format-List *

                   Get-BEJob -BackupDefinition $_.Id | Format-List *

    Of course, Powershell gives you lots of formatting options for output and also supports the creation of XML documents plus lots of other good stuff.  If you're not familiar with Powershell and would like more information there are a lot of good references available.  A good starter tutorial is the following:

    I hope this helps.  If you have any specific questions, please post them here and we will try to get you some answers.

4 Replies

  • Hello Tolinrome -

    I have forwarded this to one of my key guys in Engineering.  He has asked for a couple of days to confirm his thoughts.  Will end of week be soon enough?

  • I am not sure if this is entirely possible. However, some information like storage and all can be obtained. Here is the Technote that has a .chm file (help file) for BEMCLO interface. It does have all the possible command line options with Examples.

  • BEMCLI commandlets offer substantial information about backup jobs.  With the way Backup Exec 2012 is architected, backup job definitions contain most of the general options and the jobs created from the definitions will contain the schedule, selections, and storage options.  Unfortunately, notification options are not yet supported by BEMCLI.  Also BEMCLI will only return summary selection information rather than detailed selections. 

    The Technote referenced by Jaydeep above contains a lot of good information about getting started with BEMCLI.  The two BEMCLI commandlets that are most useful to obtain the majority of the job settings are Get-BEBackupDefinition and Get-BEJob.  I don't know how familiar you are with Powershell, but I can offer a few general tips without producing a Powershell tutorial here.

    When you execute a commandlet like Get-BEBackupDefinition a list of every job definition will be displayed on the terminal.  However, not all fields are displayed.  To display all the fields from the results, you can type something like the following:

    Get-BEBackupDefinition | Format-List *

    Likewise the following will display all available fields from all jobs:

    Get-BEJob | Format-List *

    Since Powershell supports scripting, you can create a script that lists the job definitions and follows each of these with the jobs created from that definition with something like the following:

    Get-BEBackupDefinition | ForEach-Object -Process{

                   $_ | Format-List *

                   Get-BEJob -BackupDefinition $_.Id | Format-List *

    Of course, Powershell gives you lots of formatting options for output and also supports the creation of XML documents plus lots of other good stuff.  If you're not familiar with Powershell and would like more information there are a lot of good references available.  A good starter tutorial is the following:

    I hope this helps.  If you have any specific questions, please post them here and we will try to get you some answers.