Forum Discussion

jmkeane's avatar
20 years ago

Backup Exec 8.5 / Exchange 5.5 not backing up - HELP!!!

I am running WIN NT 4.0 with Exchange 5.5 and Backup Exec 8.5 with Exchange agent. I have the Backup method set to FULL - DB and logs and the IS and Exchange directoty are selected in my backup job selections. The problem is that the backup logs do not say that the \\servername\MS Exchange Driectory is being backed up. No mention in the logs at all. I checked another server with the same config and it is in the logs. I need to make sure that Exchange is backing up and it looks like it isn't.

Any ideas or experiences? Any help is greatly appreciated.


1 Reply

  • Maybe just try backing up only the Directory and see what the logs show. Not sure why your others servers show it but this one does not.

    I do not have 8.5 so no way to check myself.