Forum Discussion

Stefan_Wehrli's avatar
12 years ago

Backup Exec Deduplication Manager Service fails to start and displays the following error : Error 1 : Incorrect Function


I need your help


We currently run all of our backups to a deduplication backup folder.

The backup has been working fine until now.


For a restart the Backup Exec media server, the service "Backup Exec Deduplication Manager" will fail to start.

The following error appears: Error 1: Incorrect Function

Since this service can not be started, even the "PostgreSQL Server 8.3", and Backup Exec Deduplication Engine "service to stay down.



Has anyone a hint what I could do.
I've been searching through Google, but found nothing suitable.
I am grateful for any advice.

9 Replies

  • Hi

    Please do the following,

    Edit the registry and add in the correct location of Etc Path. Open the registry (regedit or regedt32), navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\PureDisk\Agent.

    Add a new string value called "EtcPath" to include the correct path. Example: N:\Storage\etc

    Edited : please check link




    Thanks for the quick reply.
    However, I have no file under <storage> \ databases \ pddb \ data \
    It is simply a file named "postmaster.opts" in it.
    Are there any other solutions?
  • The path is correct under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Symantec \ PureDisk \ Agent.

  • Hi Please check the link below Akos if still doesn't help please give more information like what are the error in event viewer when you try starting postgres service. Thanks

    I can not start because "PostgreSQL" service, since the "Backup Exec Deduplication Manager" service can not be started.
    This is the message in the Event Log:
    The description for Event ID 1 from source spad can not be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
    The following information was included with the event:
    25 004: System :: Event :: SpaDBEventStorage SpaDBEventStorage Failed to add initial values ​​for eventproperties
    The Backup Exec Deduplication Manager service terminated with the following error: 
    Incorrect function.


  • Stefan: I wonder if you don't try 1 of 2 things:

    1. Try a repair of the BEDB using Add/Remove Programs.

    2. If this doesn't work, run a repair of BE using Add/Remove Programs.

    Also, if the Dedupe service runs on a domain account, make sure it isn't perhaps locked out.