Forum Discussion

5 years ago

Backup Exec not delete old jobs expired from NAS



I used Backup Exec 20.4 for backup my server (Hypervisor + 2 VMs to Windows 2016 Server). My storage location is a NAS Synology. I had 2 tasks for my job :

  1. 1 complete job first sunday of the month with 5 days storage
  2. 1 incremential daily backup with 3 days storage

My NAS system had 4 To HDD, and the gross size of my system is 1,25 To. But despite the expiry of my old jobs, files are not deleted from the nas! Unfortunately my new backups are crashing.

What is going on?


1 Reply

  • 1) can you run an Inventory and catalog job on this NAS storage and check the situation.
    2) if you manually, right click and expire the expired set does it still remain ? When you right click on the backup set, check dependancy ,does it show an unexpired backup set associated with it.
    3) Check backup exec -> configuration and settings -> Audit Log -> Choose backup set retension -> do you see any deletion events in it.
    4) can you test the same backup to a local storage ( not a NAS , I think you configured this using a UNC path). Are you able to expire the set and does it go away when backed up to a local drive ? If expirations work on local disk, then if possible can the NAS be mounted as a LUN on BE server and storage configured as local disk storage to perform the backups this way and check if DLM works.
    5) Make sure DLM setting in registry is set to 60