Forum Discussion

M_Strong's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Backup Exec Upgrade 2012 to 2014 - Deduplication option error

Just an FYI for anyone running into this issue during an upgrade to BE-2014:


I saw this exact same problem when upgrading our previous edition of Backup Exec to BE-2012 and now again when upgrading 2012 to 2014 and the fix is the same.  When running the installation for BE-2014 the wizard came to the point of selecting installation type (Full / Tial) - (the screens after entering Licensing) and a message window appeared stating the following:
"Deduplication Option is no longer licensed in this upgrade. You may not remove the license during the upgrade. To continue, either add a serial number for Deduplication Option, upgrade as trial, or remove the option in the previous version, then continue the upgrade."
(Also outlined in this kb article: )

The fix was also the same - Open regedit, navigate to:  HKLM\SOFTWARE\Symantec\...
Delete the \Puredisk\ registry key and it's child \Puredisk\Agent\.
(In our case, since we never installed, trialed, used or licensed dedupe at all these keys were completely empty of values.)

Quit and re-run the Installation.  The wizard should continue past this point and straight to the options screen.  This should allow you to install/upgrade BE-2014 with licenses the first time, without having to go through the trial install first.


         Happy Upgrading.  laugh

  • To M Strong, thank you so much for this post!! I was tearing my hair out trying to get this resolved for a customer with a tight time constraint. I finally found this post and it worked!!


    Thanks for the post and the help!

  • Hi,


    A good idea is to redo this as a Blog or an Article, or ask for this to be pinned to the main BE page. Reason I say that is because good advice like this will end up being lost as the forum updates, making it harder for other people experiencing the same issue to find it.
