Forum Discussion

garry_m's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Backup Exec vrs. Remote Agent

I have two servers: Server A is the bdc, Exchange 5.5 and print server, and Server B is the pdc and file server.  I need to backup Exchange mailboxes (server A) and files (server B).  I found veritas installed on Server A, and have an extra license to install it on Server B.  Server A doesn't have any tape device.  Server B has a 110 DLT VS 80 (Dell), but I haven't installed Veritas on it.  I don't know what to do, because I need to backup Exchange mailboxes from server A using the tape device of server B, and I also need to backup files from server B on its own tape device.  I have 2 licenses for Veritas, so it is not a trouble of licensing, but I'm new at using it, and do not know what to do... please give me some hints about what to install on which server...
  •  hi Garry,
    Here's what I suggest you doing:
    - make your ServerB as the backup/media server
    - make your ServerA as the backup client
    you will then need to do the following:
      - install BackupExec Server (licensed) with following option licenses:
        1) Remote Agent
        2) Agent for MSExchange
        3) Open File Option (if you think necessary)
      - also, make sure you have the appropriate Veritas driver for your DLT device.
      - install MSExchange5.5 Admin or MSExchange2000 System Manager
      - install BackupExec Remote Agent
    then create the backup jobs on ServerB.
    and i recommend you put the latest patches/fixes for all installs.
    and also see if your DLT drive (which, from my understanding, is just a single drive) can accommodate your backup volume - otherwise, you may need to keep inserting blank media - which is hard if you run your backups overnight
    hope this answers your question.
  •  hi Garry,
    Here's what I suggest you doing:
    - make your ServerB as the backup/media server
    - make your ServerA as the backup client
    you will then need to do the following:
      - install BackupExec Server (licensed) with following option licenses:
        1) Remote Agent
        2) Agent for MSExchange
        3) Open File Option (if you think necessary)
      - also, make sure you have the appropriate Veritas driver for your DLT device.
      - install MSExchange5.5 Admin or MSExchange2000 System Manager
      - install BackupExec Remote Agent
    then create the backup jobs on ServerB.
    and i recommend you put the latest patches/fixes for all installs.
    and also see if your DLT drive (which, from my understanding, is just a single drive) can accommodate your backup volume - otherwise, you may need to keep inserting blank media - which is hard if you run your backups overnight
    hope this answers your question.
  •  Thank you shirmal.  Just one question: Why do I have to install Exchange 5.5 Admin on server B? I mean, server A has Exchange 5.5 Administrator and will continue being the Exchange server, so I think I don't need to install it on server B, unless of course it has to be installed on server B in order to use the Veritas Agent for MSExchange to backup mailboxes of server A...

  •  hi Garry,

    you've answered your own question, yes, you need to install the MSExchange Admin (5.5 or 2K) on your ServerB for you to backup mailboxes and information stores. since ServerB will be your backup server.

    please remember though - that it's ONLY the MSExchange Admin that you need to install (not the entire Exchange server - and you won't need extra license for that). SeverA will still continue being your Exchange server.  

    hope this helps

