Forum Discussion

Salim_Khan's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Backup Faild ! "Media Not appendable"

 Hi Everyone,

I have one Problem in my Symantec BE 12.5. usually it shows me Backup Failed due to media is not appendable. Actually I am using 4 Tapes for Daily Backup (Sun-Wed) and 4 Tapes for weekly Backup (every Thu), I am using 400/800 GB Native Compressed Ultrium 3 Tapes. Usually I have this problem and I formatted all the tapes 3 times and configured backup as append. Can you please tell me what is the solution for this Problem. Please let me know if you need more detail to understand the problem.

Thanks in Adance,

Salim Khan 

9 Replies

  • Hi Salim,

    The only reason why these tapes are not appendable is becayse they are out of available space, or the append period has expired.
    You need to take a look at your append period and make sure that it is correct...too short, and it won't work.
    Also check the space available on the tapes...if the tape runs out of space, it won't append again, and if no other appendable media is found, your jobs will fail.
    Don't forget that getting 800GB out of a 400GB LTO3 tape is best-case will probably never get 800GB off the tape.

  •  Thank you dear for your reply.. Actually I am using append period infinite and also if the tape is full it should overwrite one the same tape and it should not be failed. is it right?

  • Well, yes and assumes you have tapes with additional space available to overwrite.
    THe only time an appendable tape would become available again once full is when the overwrite protection period is up...
  •  Thanks again dear,

    Can you please explain. I am sorry I could not get what you are saying. as mentioned before that it dosen't give this error always but some time it gives even i format the all Tapes 3 times sometime it's working & some time it's giving this error message. please tell me if we use infinite option for append period so is it not overwriting data after get full.


  • Append time is used to specify how much time media can be appended too. Once this period is reached, it goes over to Overwrite protection period.
    So you could have media being appendable for 5 days, and overwrite protection for 5 days. Once an append job is finished, overwrite protection takes over until an append etc., until the tape is full.
    Best thing is to post your settings here for a better idea...
  • Hi Salim

    Did you come right here...?