Forum Discussion

dori_bashan's avatar
11 years ago

Tapes shows as "Blank Media" after "One Time Backup"


Using BE 2014 SP1 and backup to tape

After a "One Time Backup" finished sucessfully , the tapes are showing up as "Blank Media" in the description but you can see that the data is there.

Have a look on the attached print screen

I have tried restaring the services to force BE to update the statue - but it didn't help

Anu idea?


  • The media description is preserved until the next overwrite operation on the tape. To preserve the description even after an overwrite, the setting "Preserve description" must be set to Yes.

  • Right-click the slots and is the option "Preserve description" enabled or not ?


  • It is set to Yes on all slots.

    even that the default should be No


    Even after changing it to No, it is still marked as Blank Media

  • is it a one-time per-slot setting?

     Or is it a per-tape per-slot setting that i need to change each time?i moving tapes between slots?

  • changing the settings to No and edit the decription works

    The issue left to solve is that i want to know 

    is it a one-time per-slot setting?

     Or is it a per-tape per-slot setting that i need to change each time?i moving tapes between slots?


  • The media description is preserved until the next overwrite operation on the tape. To preserve the description even after an overwrite, the setting "Preserve description" must be set to Yes.