Forum Discussion

WarrenChan's avatar
15 years ago

Backup solution with HP NAS and HP Auto loader !

I am looking for the backup solution which use HP NAS device. I am not sure whether the NAS  X1600 AP804A and the auto loader of  HP 1/8 G2 Ultrium LTO-4 1760 can support  Backup Exce 12 or not. Please comment on this !
Hardware Specifications :

Autoloader - HP 1/8 G2 Ultrium LTO-4 1760
NAS - The X1600 AP804A (6 x1TB drives)

SCSI Card installed in NAS - HP SC08Ge Host Bus Adapter 

HP LTO4 Ultrium 1.6TB RW data cartridge

3 Replies

  •  You need to go to the Symantec Support site, choose BackupExec, search for the HCL
    It will list every hardware device that Symantec has tested with BE.  
    More than like the tape is supported, it's a common brand

    And for the NAS, there is no certification for a NAS.  It either works, or doesnt. There is a tool called b2dtest.exe or something you can also download from the support site to verify proper operation.
  • I have a SAS LTO4 1/8 HP autoloader attached to a X1800 using BE 12.5.  Everything runs fine for me and I get approx.  4,000 MB/min.  I just set it up the other day so I haven't had time to look into the snapshot features on the hp x1000 series NAS devices though so I can not comment on if/how the snapshots can be leveraged for backup.

  • I am fighting a issue with the X1600 and the Autoloader - HP 1/8 G2 Ultrium LTO-4 1760

    It worked fine in the lab but in production it will only see the tape drive and not the autoloader.

    here is what is shows in the Adamm.log file

    0002:0000:0000:0000  "HpCISSs2", (Port Driver)
    0002:0007:0000:0000  "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  U51W", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
    0002:0007:0000:0001  "HP      1x8 G2 AUTOLDR  2.80", (Changer Device), "\\.\MediumChanger0"

    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0003:0000:0000:0000  "iScsiPrt", (Port Driver)

    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0004:0000:0000:0000  "wtlmdrv", (Port Driver)

    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    9999:0016:0006:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0005:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0008:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0012:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0007:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0010:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0001:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0002:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0003:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0004:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0011:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"
    9999:0016:0009:0000  "VERITAS Backup To Disk  1.00", "\\.\Bkup2Dsk"

    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    [9036] 03/03/10 14:03:36.902 PnP Device Paths:

    Scsi Address
    Prt     :Bus     :Tar     :Lun       Device Path
    -----------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------

    00000002:00000007:00000000:00000000  \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_4-scsi#5&108e9cd1&0&070000#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}

    -----------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------

    [9036] 03/03/10 14:03:36.903 Read Device Inquiries - start

    [9036] 03/03/10 14:03:36.919 Device: \\.\Tape0
    [9036] 03/03/10 14:03:36.929 ReadDeviceScsiInquiryInfo for "\\.\MediumChanger0" - failed - ERROR = 0x00000006 (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)

    [[9036] 03/03/10 14:03:42.022 Read Device Inquiries - end

    [9036] 03/03/10 14:03:42.022 Serialize Devices:

    [9036] 03/03/10 14:03:42.765 Device Discovery:

    [9036] 03/03/10 14:03:42.765 PvlDrive::OpenHandle() from device number
           Drive = 1019 "HP 1"
           DeviceName = \\.\Tape0
           PrimaryName = \\.\Tape0
           SecondaryName = \\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_4-scsi#5&108e9cd1&0&070000#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}
           ERROR = 0x00000006 (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)
    Scsi Address
    Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun   Attributes
    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    0002:0007:0000:0000  Device Name             "\\.\Tape0"
                         Secondary Name          "\\?\scsi#sequential&ven_hp&prod_ultrium_4-scsi#5&108e9cd1&0&070000#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}"
                         Primary Inquiry         "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  U51W"
                         Serial Number           "HP      Ultrium 4-SCSI  HU19366N31"
                         Device Flags            KMD, SCSI, SN(TYPE 1)
                         Device State            3, Online

                         Device IDs              1019, {46B72544-DC55-4D11-9925-D4F69FCDFA53}
                         Device Name             "HP 1"
                         Device Type             134283265, "LTO 64K (64K,10,0,E,HU)"
                         Device Features         0x00021000: E,HU
                         Device Element          0, 0
                         Device Block Limits     512 min, 65536 max
                         Device Hard Errors      0 write, 0 read
                         Device Soft Errors      0 write, 0 read

    0002:0007:0000:0001  Device Name             "\\.\MediumChanger0"
                         Secondary Name          "\\.\Changer0"
                         Primary Inquiry         "HP      1x8 G2 AUTOLDR  2.80"
                         Serial Number           ""
                         Device Flags            KMD, SCSI
                         Device State            1, Offline, ERROR = 0x00000006 (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)

    I have tried many fixes listed in the forums here and the changer still shows offline

    the server os is Windows Storage Server 2008 and they have removed the Removable Storage from the Services

    this is the last item i tried :
