Forum Discussion

ThaveshinP's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Backup to set slots on tape drive

Using Backupexec 2010 R2

Tape library - 11 slots

How do I configure that I use the same slot for Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (1-4) and then Month end tape ?

I keep on having to check that different tapes were used for different days and its confusing.



  • If you partition your library and BE needs an overwriteable tape which is no available in the partition, it will not get one from another partition and your job will fail.

    Since you are using a tape library, life would be easier if you let BE and the tape library manage the tapes for you, rather than you managing the tapes.  Read my article on this subject.

5 Replies

  • Partition the library slots

    Create separate jobs (or templates) for each day etc

    Make sure each job targets the specific partition for that day.


    Note there are downsides to this


    If the tape in the slot is write protected then the jobs will fail.

    If you accidentally can't fit a day's data on one tape that the job will sit waiting for a second tape.

    This because once you configure partitions, jobs cannot switch from one parttion to another.

  • Hello ThaveshinP,

    -Create new Device pools with 1-4 tapes in one and the month end tape in the other device pool.

    -Create jobs using the respective device pools. (Under Device and Media Select the respective device pool under devices).

    The links below must be helpful.

    Creating device pools

    Article URL

    Setting priorities for devices in a device pool

    Article URL

    About device pools

    Article URL

  • Hi,

    Colin's suggestion to create partitions is the way to go...

  • One more downside to Colin's suggestion to use partitions:

    You cannot just have a Daily job, you must have a Monday job, a Tuesday job, etc, each pointed to a different partition

  • If you partition your library and BE needs an overwriteable tape which is no available in the partition, it will not get one from another partition and your job will fail.

    Since you are using a tape library, life would be easier if you let BE and the tape library manage the tapes for you, rather than you managing the tapes.  Read my article on this subject.