Forum Discussion

LibyPhilip's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Backupexec 12 to Backupexec 2010 R2/R3


This is my first post to the forum.  I am fairly new to  Backupexec.  We have obtained Backupexec 2010 license and presently run on backupexec 12.

I need to upgrade from 12 to 2010.  The BE 12 server is also a DC Windows 2008 SP2.  I would like to reinstall this DC with Windows 2008 R2 and then reinstall BE2010.  We use a HP 1/8 G2 Tape Autoloader with barcode.

My options are as follows:

1. Unistall BE12, demote DC, reinstall Windows 2008 R2, promote it as DC, reinstall BE2010.  How can I achieve this?

2. Upgrade the BE12 to BE2010, take a backup of the BE2010 repository, demote the DC, reinstall Windows 2008 R2, reinstall the BE 2010 and import the BE2010 configuration.

What are the change that are required from BE 12 to BE2010 as in BE12 Exchange 2007 was used and in BE2010 Exchange 2010 is used.

In either cases, I need to have a reliable backup of repository before attempting any of the 2 options.

Any help is much appreciated.


  • Option# 2  sounds good and safe. I would suggest you to make a copy of DATA and CATALOGS 

    folder before and after the upgrade. You need to stop the SQL server BKUPEXEC service before 

    making a copy of the above folders. Both the folders are located at X:\Programs Files\Symantec\

    Backup Exec\

    DATA folder contains BE database which has all the jobs, policies and settings. 

    CATALOGS folder has all the catalogs generated by the backups.

    After upgrading OS and installing BE again you will have import BE database, you may refer to 

    the below link.

    If you want to take a backup of Exchange 2010 then BE2010 has to be installed on 64 bit server.

4 Replies

  • Option# 2  sounds good and safe. I would suggest you to make a copy of DATA and CATALOGS 

    folder before and after the upgrade. You need to stop the SQL server BKUPEXEC service before 

    making a copy of the above folders. Both the folders are located at X:\Programs Files\Symantec\

    Backup Exec\

    DATA folder contains BE database which has all the jobs, policies and settings. 

    CATALOGS folder has all the catalogs generated by the backups.

    After upgrading OS and installing BE again you will have import BE database, you may refer to 

    the below link.

    If you want to take a backup of Exchange 2010 then BE2010 has to be installed on 64 bit server.

  • Thank you cool.

    I guess the link you posted is to move the DB to the new media server online.  Even though that is the ultimate aim, I prefer to have a backup of the database and as you said DATA & CATALOGS before the online move.  So how can i have the DB backup in case if something goes wrong while upgrading and I require to recover the old BE12?
    BTW, my CATALOGS folder is 7GB in size and my DATA folder is 10Gb in size.  Is it possible that i could shrink these files in the 2 folders before a backup?  I have reconfigured now to log only summary and directory process in job logs and hopefully this will reduce the size of DATA folder.  But, what about CATALOG folder.  The files with .FHF are the big files.  Is there a way not to keep the logs older than a month?  If i do so, what are the implications?

    My media sever is Windows 2008 (R1/R2) x64. So i guess Exchange 2010 is covered.

    Thank you for your help and patience.


  • BE creates a dump of the BEDB every morning at 4AM by default. This is contained in the DATA folder. If everything goes pear-shaped you can use BEutility to Recover the database from backup and point it to the bedb.bak file.

  • The catalogs contains the information regarding what files are backed up during which backup.  This information is need for you to restore the files.  You can choose to truncate your catalog to save space, but you would need to catalog your media again before you can restore from the media.