Forum Discussion

Justin_Reynolds's avatar
18 years ago

BackupExec 8.6 backup to file on NAS

backupexec 8.60 rev 3878 on win2k server.

backing up local data (~30gb) using 'backup to disk' to a NAS device (buffalo linkstation 250gb). we're not trying to backup the NAS itself, we're just trying to store the 'backup to disk' file there.

NAS device is being connected to using UNC (i.e., \\nas01\backup\) so that the server can run without being constantly logged in (required when using a mapped drive letter).

NAS is setup to allow everyone full control -- it's basically just a workgroup share. anyone can do anything to any file; i don't think this is permissions related.

backups randomly fail for no apparent reason. re-running the backup manually, or setting the job to 'retry 15 minutes later' will succeed on the 2nd attempt.

failing job logs give us the informative error, "network access is denied."

windows event log is slightly better. a failed job looks like this:


An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Drive: OpenPosMTF() CreateFile failed (\\Nas01\backup\BackupToDisk.bkf). Error=64

An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Drive: Write() WriteFile failed (\\Nas01\backup\BackupToDisk.bkf). Error=65

Storage device "NAS:1" reported an error on a request to write data to media.
Error reported: Network access is denied.


when the backup does succeed, we still get this error:

An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Drive: OpenPosMTF() CreateFile failed (\\Nas01\backup\BackupToDisk.bkf). Error=64


any clues as to what "error=65" means?

i haven't attempted to run 'bediag' as yet; whenever i attempt to run the backup manually, it always works.

failures always seem to happen around 300-350mb into the backup, which is ~30gb total.

i've reset the buffer for the 'backup to disk' device to 32k (was 1024k), we'll see how that goes. otherwise: switched the backup folder to 'windows only' on the linkstation (was windows+mac).

this was working fine for the past 6-8 months; only over the past few weeks have the sporadic failures started.

any thoughts?

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  • update: buffers reset to normal (32k), linkstation sharing the folder as 'windows only', same behavior - failure on 1st attempt, success 15 minutes later.
  • anybody..? suggestions, comments, anything..?

    i have a feeling that the only thing that's going to work is mapping the drive to a letter, and having veritas backup to that (rather than a UNC path); of course, when the machine reboots, this becomes a pain since a user needs to be constantly logged in for the mapped drive to be available..
    • rharms's avatar
      Level 2

      Funny enough, 15 years later this is still an issue when backing up to our nas. Ever found a solution all those years ago?

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6


        Using a NAS with UNC share works well.Thousands of BE users are doing so with success.

        Please share details of your issue in a new post.