Forum Discussion

jmespo's avatar
15 years ago

Bacup to a network drive-Backup Exec 10D

Good Morning

I have searched this forum for an answer to my question, but seem to have found conflicting answers.  We are trying to do a backup to a network drive.  The drive is mapped and I can see it when I set up a backup to folder.  But when I try to connect, I an getting a path not found error.  I have tried most of the things suggested, but then I found a post that said that Backup Exec can not backup to a mapped drive.

We are doing this as part of a Diaster Recovery exercise, so we need to know that we can backup to this mapped drive and what I may be doing wrong in the setup.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • I've just set up a NAS as a secondary backup device and it works fine.

    I found this thread because I had the same problem. I'd created a "Backups" folder on the NAS and mapped a drive to it on the backup server, but got the "path not found" error when trying to use the mapped drive as a backup-to-disk location.

    When setting up a new backup to disk location, instead of browsing for a mapped drive I directly entered the UNC path -  \\ NAS Storage \ Backups
    You need to make sure this folder location isn't used for anything else because Backup Exec will effectively wipe and format it for exclusive use. 
    You can check if has worked successfully by opening the folder in Windows Explorer - you should see two new files - Changer.cfg and Folder.cfg

5 Replies

  • OK the problem is that you map the drive as a logged in user and it is linked with that users logon profile not the server. Backup Exec is designed to run with no logged in users at all (so no mapped drives)

    Which means you have to create a Backup to Disk on a UNC path instead of a MAP - and I have a feeling the earlier versions of Backup Exec did not support this - although the later ones do.

  • create the B2D directly through share and not mapping it

  • FYI - That link of Rahul's refers to backing up over UNC, not to using a B2D location on a UNC,.
  • I've just set up a NAS as a secondary backup device and it works fine.

    I found this thread because I had the same problem. I'd created a "Backups" folder on the NAS and mapped a drive to it on the backup server, but got the "path not found" error when trying to use the mapped drive as a backup-to-disk location.

    When setting up a new backup to disk location, instead of browsing for a mapped drive I directly entered the UNC path -  \\ NAS Storage \ Backups
    You need to make sure this folder location isn't used for anything else because Backup Exec will effectively wipe and format it for exclusive use. 
    You can check if has worked successfully by opening the folder in Windows Explorer - you should see two new files - Changer.cfg and Folder.cfg