Forum Discussion

Darren_Bourne's avatar
15 years ago

BE 10 doesn't recognise autoloader

I have Backup Exec 10 on a Windows Server 2003 (Standard edition SP2).
I have attached to it a HP Storageworks 1/8 Autoloader.

The drive is not recognised as a Library device only a stand alone so it doesn't back up properly.

I have installed everything new on this Server as similar errors were occuring on a different server.

I have tried to search the problems but with no success can anyone help please.
  • Check if the Library is runnign in sequencial mode or Random mode . It should be in random mode to work with backup exec  . If the medium changer is detected , you can runt he device configuration wizard and drag the tape drive under the robotic library

7 Replies

  • Hi Darren,

    What type of tape drive is in the Autoloader? If it's LTO4 it's not supported by BE 10 and you'll have to upgrade to 11d at least!

    Is the Medium Changer and Drive visible in Device Manager in Windows? If not then Backup Exec will never see them properly so start here!

    Hope this helps?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    could you please check the device in the device manager,

    if u see the medium changer and tape drive
    if yes

    than medium changer needs to be configured on the target id less than ur tape drive target id and less than 7 however greater than 1

    once done that disable the device and delete it from the BE console from devices tab

    restart the BE services,

    Let me know if this resolves the issue and if it does not please upload the adamm.log file (C:programe files\symantec\backup exce\logs ) so that we can reveiw it and help u further to resolve the issue.

  • I could be wrong here Masti but with some Autoloaders you don't have the option to set the SCSI id's.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    u need to contact hardware vendor for the same or u get a webconsole for the autoloader or using the ISCSI u can change it, however not sure there may be some old autoloaders which wont let u configure them on the different SCSI ID
  • I must check that out.

    Will test tomorrow and let you know.
    (sorry to hijack!)

  • Check if the Library is runnign in sequencial mode or Random mode . It should be in random mode to work with backup exec  . If the medium changer is detected , you can runt he device configuration wizard and drag the tape drive under the robotic library

  • There was an issue with the O/S seeing the drive properly.  I think it was something to do with the SCSI connection/selection.

    I moved the drive back to the old server as I knew the O/S could see it properly.

    I changed the configuration to run in Random mode and the software can now see the library properly.

    Thank you for all your help I am haveing a different issue now though.  I will post that seperately.