Forum Discussion

Mark_Eades's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

BE 11D and a Move to 2008R2 with DFS

We are in the process of migrating our old dedicated 2003 servers to 2008 R2 VM's using multi point DFS etc.

It has become very obvious that BE11D can't cope with DFS as the usual file selections are not used and the snapshots while listing content can't be granually restored or redirected as required.

Having not had a need to visit Symantec regarding BE for quite some time, I find it impossible to even locate my licensing information on-line never mind whether I can upgrade rather than re-purchase. Not using a maintenance contract any more so I suspect it is re-purchase.

Is there any fixes for 11D which would allow us to take files off a Server Share to tape AND restore with folder information back to the correct location or redirect as desired ?

If NO, then does the current version have this ability ?

Bear in mind, we already snapshot revisions on all the servers and DFS syncs the data across multiple servers and sites. What we need is to maintain longer term, off line TAPE backups at a file by file level. We will of course also backup the VM server snapshots to tapes for recovery purposes.


I need a cost effective solution that plays nicely with VMware, DFS shares and has a long term support path.

Currently we use a dedicated Win 2003 32bit server with a large disk array and dual tape units for the off line backups to disk and tape.

We can upgrade it if required but there is no desire to do so as this is its only purpose.

2 Replies

  • DFS has always been a tricky predicamant with BackupExec.  It was bad with 11d, it's marginally better with 2010.  

    That said, I'm not sure if it's environmental differences or BE configuration.  But it's been hit or miss for me.  It either works in some customer sites, or problematic, or not at all.  All you can do is test test test.  And then test restores!

    As an aside, there are always specials to "renew," when you are out of maintenance.  30% of specials and such for North America (Not sure on other geos)

    Typically once you are farther than 18 months past support, you are buying new licenses.  The cost to true-up + current maintenance = new licenses.  Since 11d is from 2003-2004 era, you are WAY past due.

  • BE 11d do not supports Win 2008R2 for backups or restore

    Win 2008R2support started after BE 12.5 Sp 3 onwards


    BE 2010R3 is latest and would work with all (VMware etc)


    You can download BE 2010R3 for 60days free trial and test all DFSR, Vmware Esx ..etc and decide

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