Forum Discussion

simon_leung's avatar
11 years ago

BE 2010 R3 Post SP4 HOTFIX 212812 (X64) failed

Hi there,

I patched 2010 R3 SP4 recently and I ran live update again this morning saying that a new patch HF212812 is available. I download and installed it as usual using the Live Update program. Unfortunately, I have been prompted with the following error: (i googled the "Return code: 1618" but it returns only a few search result)

Should I patch it manually by downloading the patch? Please advise.

Many Thanks



Symantec Backup Exec (TM) 2010 Patch LogHOTFIX 212812 (X64)

04-23-2014,16:36:28 : Entering PatchSetup.exe 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : Command Line: /NAME:Hotfix 212812 (x64) /UI:NONE 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : WARNING: Backup Exec application has been terminated by this patch. 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : WARNING: Backup Exec application has been terminated by this patch. 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : WARNING: Backup Exec application has been terminated by this patch. 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : Executing GetPatchInfo. 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : Failed to retrieve Post Update Command string from .\PatchInfo.ini. 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : Failed to retrieve Cache Installer string from .\PatchInfo.ini. 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : Done with BE_CacheInstaller. 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : m_bUseNativeClient = 1 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : SQL_SetAuditTableHFInfo: Domain BKUPEXEC 
04-23-2014,16:36:28 : DRIVER={SQL Native Client};SERVER=Domain\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=BEDB 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : SQL_ExecuteSQL rc=0 stzSQLCmd=INSERT INTO BELog (ObjectID, ParentID, OperationID, TimeStamp, Username, Message) VALUES ('{32CF97EA-4CA6-458F-A265-BFE5F05F91FC}', 11, 1, GETUTCDATE(), 'administrator', 'Starting installation of HF 212812') 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : m_bUseNativeClient = 1 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : SQL_SetAuditTableHFInfo: Domain BKUPEXEC 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : DRIVER={SQL Native Client};SERVER=Domain\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DATABASE=BEDB 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : SQL_ExecuteSQL rc=0 stzSQLCmd=INSERT INTO BELog (ObjectID, ParentID, OperationID, TimeStamp, Username, Message) VALUES ('{32CF97EA-4CA6-458F-A265-BFE5F05F91FC}', 11, 4, GETUTCDATE(), 'administrator', 'Error: Installation of HF 212812 has failed.') 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : V-225-136: The patch failed to install. Return code: 1618 ***To search for information about this error, click here 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : Checking to see if any remote agents that publish to this media server need to be updated. 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : Executing beupdateops 
04-23-2014,16:36:29 : Exiting PatchSetup.exe 

  • Return code 1618 translates to "Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install."

    If running any other Symantec product, do ensure Backup Exec is excluded from the other LiveUpdate sessions.

    Do try lmosla's recommendation, if it still fails, I would then look @ the running tasks to ensure there aren't multiple LiveUpdate tasks running.

3 Replies

  • Yes the manual install should work. try to reboot the system first.

  • Return code 1618 translates to "Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install."

    If running any other Symantec product, do ensure Backup Exec is excluded from the other LiveUpdate sessions.

    Do try lmosla's recommendation, if it still fails, I would then look @ the running tasks to ensure there aren't multiple LiveUpdate tasks running.

  • Thx Imosla & VJware,

    I checked with MS Process Monitor and found no other installation process is running nor any Windows updates that requires reboot. 

    I reboot the server anyway and run the live update again and it works this time.


    Many THX

