Forum Discussion

bert_geiger's avatar
12 years ago

BE 2012 SDR: no restore selections visible

In short: the SDR wizards connects to the (only existing) BE server, the list of clients is also available as drop-down, but the list of available backups sets is empty for every machine. No error message.

Environment: W2K3 server, both BE and client. BE version is basic (w/o SP1a);  customized SDR (here: 32-Bit: SDR-DVD-1689.2-i386.iso) created OK; SDR-recognized restore selections for a number of clients  visible and available in BE GUI. Additional info: the (one-and-only!) BE server is defined as a Central Admin Server.

Now my questions: has anybody had that effect already?

Is the reason that the version is not correct (but: I didn't find any reference in the SP1a readme or SCL)?

The customer is not very willing to update to SP1a...

Any help is appreciated.

3 Replies

  • Could you confirm if all the backups that have been performed for these clients did have SDR button green. Cause unless this was there, you would not see the backup sets using the wizard.

  • @Imosla: the readme a.k.a. release notes do not have anything about this problem. and a knowledge base search did not net anything, either.

    @ Jaydeep S: cf. my entry: "SDR-recognized restore selections for a number of clients  visible and available in BE GUI." ;-)