Forum Discussion

bexecute's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

BE 2014 - GRT Incremental Backup

So I have a weird issue with my backups. I am backing up using BE2014, backing up my file servers using AVVI. The Full is fine, however my incrementals were fine until last night - one particular folder within a volume is giving below error. Strange issue is this same Incremental job last week backed up the folder fine.... Why would this just start occuring? Other folders within that same volume backed up fine via the same Incremental last night.

Thanks for your help as always.

Backup- VMVCB::
V-79-57344-38724 - Directory '' does not support Granular Recovery Technology (GRT).  Granular restores cannot be performed for items in this directory.
  • The tape restore will load the entire backup set in to the stage area unfortunately.

6 Replies

  • Does the VM contain a dynamic disk ? And/or is the volume more than 2TB in size ?

    Is DFSR enabled ? Does the VM contain reparse points ?

    The above are the common reasons for such an exception.

    Also, what type of data is present in that particular folder ? Flat-File data or application / DB files ?

    If the error reoccurs and you have explicitly verified none of the above causes are valid in this case, debugging should help to figure out why this exception is occuring.

  • Hi there - the strange thing is the following night the Incremental ran fine..... No change to the incremental job.....

  • Try recreating the job and reinstalling the remote agent inside the VM. Monitor for few backups and check if the issue arises again or not.

  • One other thing - I was restoring from tape (so the Full GRT for this) - I had thought only the volume that had the file I needed would be staged, but it seems that the entire server - and all its VMDKs were restored (even though not required) - then the restore occured - is this normal?

    Thanks for the info - I will monitor previous issue.

  • The tape restore will load the entire backup set in to the stage area unfortunately.