Forum Discussion

Carlos_Augusto's avatar
9 years ago

be15 crash console when i try to do any action


I have this error when i try to do any action " An error with the backup exec administration consol has ocurred, the administration console will close when you clik OK. To restart the console, click the backup exexec icon or click start > all programs > symantec backup exec."

The console crash,

I have this error too.

An error with the Backup Exec administration console has occurred.  The administration console will close when you click OK. To restart the console, click the Backup Exec icon or click Start > All Programs > Symantec Backup Exec.

Culture is not supported.
Parameter name: culture
22538 (0x580a) is an invalid culture identifier.
at System.Globalization.CultureData.GetCultureData(Int32 culture, Boolean bUseUserOverride)
   at System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InitializeFromCultureId(Int32 culture, Boolean useUserOverride)
   at System.Windows.Input.InputLanguageSource.get_CurrentInputLanguage()
   at System.Windows.Input.InputLanguageManager.get_CurrentInputLanguage()
   at System.Windows.Documents.TextSelection.EnsureCaret(Boolean isBlinkEnabled, Boolean isSelectionActive, CaretScrollMethod scrollMethod)
   at System.Windows.Documents.TextSelection.System.Windows.Documents.ITextSelection.UpdateCaretAndHighlight()
   at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
   at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)
   at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()
   at System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice.ChangeFocus(DependencyObject focus, Int32 timestamp)
   at System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice.Focus(DependencyObject focus, Boolean askOld, Boolean askNew, Boolean forceToNullIfFailed)
   at System.Windows.Input.KeyboardDevice.Focus(IInputElement element)
   at System.Windows.UIElement.Focus()
   at System.Windows.Input.KeyboardNavigation.Navigate(DependencyObject currentElement, TraversalRequest request, ModifierKeys modifierKeys, DependencyObject firstElement)
   at System.Windows.Input.KeyboardNavigation.Navigate(DependencyObject currentElement, TraversalRequest request)
   at Symantec.HRO.UI.WPFFramework.DialogContentControl.<DialogContentControl_Loaded>b__0()
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at MS.Internal.Threadin


The event viewer shows 

A process crash has been detected.

Faulting application: BackupExec.exe 14.2.1180.2113
Faulting module: KERNELBASE.dll 6.1.7601.19110
Fault offset             0xb16d
Exception code         0xe0434352.


I did:

Deinstall antivirus

Upgrade BE 2014 to BE205

Reinstall from Initial BE2015 (previous backup of data and catalogs folders)

Delete previous installations of BE, restart and Install like firts time BE2015


All previous actions not work.the console still crash


Please anybody help me?





  • HI,

    my issue was solved.

    the root of problem was that BE15  could not identify the language,

    in the toolbar, we found that the language was: ?? Unknown Languaje.

    WorkAround: I installed spanish language , like alternative languaje on my OS.



    Thank you

4 Replies

  • HI,

    my issue was solved.

    the root of problem was that BE15  could not identify the language,

    in the toolbar, we found that the language was: ?? Unknown Languaje.

    WorkAround: I installed spanish language , like alternative languaje on my OS.



    Thank you

  • Have you loaded the latest FP for BE 15?

    If not, run LiveUpdate and do this before checking it again.


  • Hi

    Yes i have the lastest FP fro BE15 , i run liveupdate before start services.






  • Go to Programs and Features, uninstall the .Net Framework and then do a repair of BE 15.  This will re-install the .Net Framework and repair BE.  Try again.